Ascendant Labs

I have a family emergency, car accident. For those of you that paid with WU or MG feel free to pull the money out. I have no idea how long i'll be gone, shouldnt be too long.A week tops. but everyone that sent payment info will get some kind of freebie. Though I checked emails this morning, there shouldn't be more than 1-3 clients. thanks, Helix.

Good luck. Hope everything goes well.
Hey guys, new to the forum as of yesterday. I read through a few pages of this thread and seen a lot of people have mixed this labs tren with other labs. Has anyone used Ascendant's Tren A all the way through cycle and if so, is it g2g? It looks like Astro's review has been solid so not sure which route to go at this point. I'm just paranoid cause I've dealt with underdosed deca, dbol, and test for the past 12 months. Im tired of taking chances and wanna make the right choice this cycle.
I'm on it now...bit of sweating at the gym, otherwise I'm not dealing with much sides-wise. Seems to be GTG, but I can't say for certain as I've never tried tren prior to AL's. I'm on day 14 @ 50mg/day.
If its your first time than you should definately be feeling it hard by now.How is your sleep?Is your strength improving?
My sleep was off initially, but I'm taking benadryl, melatonin and low dose prami, which certainly adds up and allows me to sleep alright. I'm also on 120mg epistane per day, so its hard to say about strength gains from tren. This is on a cut as well.
Thanks for the update hilfloskind. I'd be interested in your stats in another two weeks or so. I've used a lot of other gear in the past, but this is gonna be first go with tren. My buddy is like a tren fiend and swears he can feel it by week two, especially if he uses test prop with it opposed to a longer ester.
I'm a week in a day into my cycle of test prop 50mg tren ace 50mg ed and npp 100mg eod... I feel it from insomnia, to night sweats, to hardness. And My anadrol just came in as well but Idk if I'm going run that now
AL but anadrol from astro, I'm ordering hgh either blacktops or glotropin from astro or hygie from my boy today
Okay cool. If you're feeling the tren already from ascendant labs I might as well give it s try. I've already thrown away thousands in the last year on mlg, Olympus, bid d's, and performence formulations. Thats the reason I'm asking a shitload of questions. This forum seems a lot more honest so far.
That was my reasoning. It was cheap and had labmax results saying it was tren (obviously the strength isnt labmax verified). Spent like 163 with shipping...not a huge risk IMO.
Yeah I hear that. I have an order with Olympus pending since Feb 15th for $418. Losing that hurts lol. Even though they are underdosed, I think it was the "friend" I did the order with that took that. My fault for not going with him to do the moneygram like I had in the past.
That's why I get leery of high minimums...I don't mind spending 300+ once I've personally tried a lab, but prefer to put in a lower order the first time so I know what I'm dealing with, quality wise.
That's why I get leery of high minimums...I don't mind spending 300+ once I've personally tried a lab, but prefer to put in a lower order the first time so I know what I'm dealing with, quality wise.

That's a good method to use, if you get scammed it doesn't hurt the pocket that much.
I used Olympus before and got my stuff in two weeks. I legit think it was the dude that I went in on with the order. We've ordered together before and shit went smooth so I didn't have any reason to be skeptical. Its been two months now and he swears he's been communicating with Olympus, but i guarantee he spent the money on something else. Here on out, ill always do my own orders.
Alllll...righty then.....

I think we're back....
Dunno what took so long for the sweat effect to kick in, but today I was kinda drenched in the gym.:)
First time in 2 weeks.
My mistress Tren and I are starting to get along again.
What a dirty whore she is...