ASchinasource raw material and finished gears for online shops

If they order from you they're a whole lot stupider than I am.

It's kind of funny that you're calling me stupid when you had to try and start a second thread because you fucked the first one up so badly. The second one hasn't exactly been a stellar redemption.

Should we expect a third attempt from your scam, err, business?
Do you have delusions? I am not trying to get your attention, and you will not be my client. Since you are so uncomfortable with me, why do you want to torture yourself to see my threads?
I'll be around here longer than you. I can promise you that.

And if you don't like how we talk to you, then leave. We don't want or need another scamming, smartass Chinaman.

I was being nice and telling you how to succeed here. Now you've made my shit list.

Welcome to Meso. I doubt you will enjoy your stay.
Does your longer time here represent authority? Who gave you this inexplicable confidence? Your grandmother? You can only represent yourself forever.

Why should I accept your attack and not fight back? Do you naturally like to be attacked? Stupid! Instead, it’s you. If you don’t like my thread, just leave here.
Does your longer time here represent authority? Who gave you this inexplicable confidence? Your grandmother? You can only represent yourself forever.

Why should I accept your attack and not fight back? Do you naturally like to be attacked? Stupid! Instead, it’s you. If you don’t like my thread, just leave here.

Is it just me, or could this post easily be used as the lyrics for a bad early 2000s hardcore song?

Read it with a cookie monster metal voice and it's fucking fantastic.

Legendary post, mate.
Is it just me, or could this post easily be used as the lyrics for a bad early 2000s hardcore song?

Read it with a cookie monster metal voice and it's fucking fantastic.

Legendary post, mate.
I generally read these Chinamen's posts in the voice of Mr. Chow from The Hangover.
Put away your hypocritical goodwill. Who can you represent? If others think that watching my thread is a waste of time, they will naturally not. Why do brands contact me? You are just afraid that my presence will hurt your interests.

You attack people who conflict with your interests everywhere like wild dogs. If I fight back, you will stand at the highest point of morality and growl. In fact, I don't care about you at all, because you are not my customers at all. Seeing your reply is a waste of everyone's time.
Why would I want to be a customer of yours when you’re a fuckin dickhead? o_O
It’s doubtful that anyone here is your customer, dickhead. o_O
With the attitude you bring I’m sure it will stay that way too, dickhead. o_O
This is not a source board and if you’re looking to source to only sources then maybe go try out another board, dickhead. o_O

You are a waste of thread space,
You suck at your job as a source,
You’re mad cause you’re a failure,
What else??.... Oh, you’re a dickhead, dickhead! o_O

For anyone else that’s wasting their time reading this thread (or the first one this dickhead started) if he acts like this to potential customers how do you think he’s gonna act if you do order “bulk” from him and run into problems? Ik, he’s gonna be a fuckin dickhead about it! Why take a chance with that shit when there’s so many other, better options? Js... :oops:
You shouted for human rights while racially attacking. It's just that I made some attractive business conditions, and you all cursed. What does this violate you?
Why would I want to be a customer of yours when you’re a fuckin dickhead? o_O
It’s doubtful that anyone here is your customer, dickhead. o_O
With the attitude you bring I’m sure it will stay that way too, dickhead. o_O
This is not a source board and if you’re looking to source to only sources then maybe go try out another board, dickhead. o_O

You are a waste of thread space,
You suck at your job as a source,
You’re mad cause you’re a failure,
What else??.... Oh, you’re a dickhead, dickhead! o_O

For anyone else that’s wasting their time reading this thread (or the first one this dickhead started) if he acts like this to potential customers how do you think he’s gonna act if you do order “bulk” from him and run into problems? Ik, he’s gonna be a fuckin dickhead about it! Why take a chance with that shit when there’s so many other, better options? Js... :oops:
You verbally abused me for no reason, and still need me to treat you well? You stupid can't be my customer, and I am not rare to be my customer!