I messed Myself up pretty bad after abusing steroids for a few years (without any pct) discovered i had asih atrophied testes etc. I stuggled and struggled for a couple of years my labs were this 2months ago. Test 6,4 lh 19 fsh 8,5 (didnt have my estraidiol checked at that time. I since then done the power pct by dr scally and my labs a week after were this - test 19,5 lh 21,3 fsh 8,0. I then started taking arimidex and got my labs again 3 weeks after - test 42!!! lh 40!! fsh 8,5 estraidiol 166!!!! so my doc has told me to carry on with the adex. I really suspect i have hyperestrogenic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and im juat wondering if it can be cause by the abuse in my past... ?