Asih treatment with arimidex and aromasin

I messed Myself up pretty bad after abusing steroids for a few years (without any pct) discovered i had asih atrophied testes etc. I stuggled and struggled for a couple of years my labs were this 2months ago. Test 6,4 lh 19 fsh 8,5 (didnt have my estraidiol checked at that time. I since then done the power pct by dr scally and my labs a week after were this - test 19,5 lh 21,3 fsh 8,0. I then started taking arimidex and got my labs again 3 weeks after - test 42!!! lh 40!! fsh 8,5 estraidiol 166!!!! so my doc has told me to carry on with the adex. I really suspect i have hyperestrogenic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and im juat wondering if it can be cause by the abuse in my past... ?
Stick with it for longer

That's high for 1mg a day I recall I went from 220 to 100 on e2 test at 1mg day for 5 days

Then dropped it to 0.5mg for month and it was stuck at 100

Then few weeks later it went too low

Maybe it takes time to build up in the system
Yes Anastrozole .male estraidiol range 20-160 think it is pmol/l . i think my estradiol was alot higher than what it is now which is why im struggling
Yes Anastrozole .male estraidiol range 20-160 think it is pmol/l . i think my estradiol was alot higher than what it is now which is why im struggling
It's guess work without labs to compare. Is it brand name Arimidex? Or a generic?
Stick with it for longer

That's high for 1mg a day I recall I went from 220 to 100 on e2 test at 1mg day for 5 days

Then dropped it to 0.5mg for month and it was stuck at 100

Then few weeks later it went too low

Maybe it takes time to build up in the system
what did u do when u found out it was too low? And how did affect you?
I stopped taking the arimidex and Clomid a couple weeks ago and waiting to get my next bloods done next week. See where the numbers end up

As the e2 lowered after taking the Ai for 2 months I felt great for a week. Was getting frequent erections in the night and mornjng. And quality of your erections improves as estrogen comes into the right range

Also my body fat pinches came down. Skin felt less spongy. I'm very lean anyway but with no change in diet or training my tests came in at better

Basically if it's too high or too low u can assess this arguably by morning erections. If they are non existent

Both too high and too low impacts libido negatively too but then again there are other factors at play here so hard to just assess by this

Didn't really experience joint pains but I never have joint issues. And I take omega 3 so that may help

One clear difference I noticed was red eyes. When e2 was 220 my eyes were red like I had been on the bongs

With normal low e2 eyes are clear white
I stopped taking the arimidex and Clomid a couple weeks ago and waiting to get my next bloods done next week. See where the numbers end up

As the e2 lowered after taking the Ai for 2 months I felt great for a week. Was getting frequent erections in the night and mornjng. And quality of your erections improves as estrogen comes into the right range

Also my body fat pinches came down. Skin felt less spongy. I'm very lean anyway but with no change in diet or training my tests came in at better

Basically if it's too high or too low u can assess this arguably by morning erections. If they are non existent

Both too high and too low impacts libido negatively too but then again there are other factors at play here so hard to just assess by this

Didn't really experience joint pains but I never have joint issues. And I take omega 3 so that may help

One clear difference I noticed was red eyes. When e2 was 220 my eyes were red like I had been on the bongs

With normal low e2 eyes are clear white
can i ask do u have asih? and what do u think of my situation.. repairable? the eye thing i can relate to. My girlfriend used to think i was chongin but i just had really red eyes alot... Now i know why
Can you repost your blood results with the details of the ranges. It's hard to read and understand the numbers in the first post

Re my situation I haven't done aas for 15 years. From 21 to 25 I cycled 3 months on and 3 months off

Never did pct and always suffered from high aromatisation (had to have gymo cut out)

My levels 12 months ago were normal e2, mid range test (free and total).

I actually felt better at mid range. then decided to experiment by taking Clomid a month at 50mg and my test tripled and my e2 went up 5 fold

Felt better at mid range test than high range. Problem was I them had to get my e2 down so started taking ai's. Now I'm off everything and expecting that my levels will come back to the prior lower level (hopefully)

If the arimidex doesn't work after another month speak to your doc about aromasin. I have read that some people react better to this re reducing e2
First labs -
test 6.4
Lh 19
fsh 8.5 , then done the power pct.. second labs -
test 19.5
lh 21.3
fsh 8.0. Then took arimidex for 3 week..
Third labs -
test 42
lh 40
fsh 8.0
Estraidiol - 166
the arimidex clomid hcg i have gotten in the past isnt presctiption but is pharma grade. Ive actually ordered some aromasin and more adex pick them up tommorrow. I hope ur levels come back good mate let me know. Ill also let u know how i get on.