Assist and PCT


New Member
So I'm looking for some opinions on protecting myself while on cycle and off.

I got some clomid and nolvadex in hand for my pct.

Looking forward To buying some liver protection and debating on cycle assist stacked with tudca. Any suggestions? I'll be taking this throughout my cycle along with fish oil, vitamins, joint support and taurine. I'll be cycling tren, test and masterson with some orals for 16 weeks.

15% Bf
If this is your 2nd cycle (coming off a Tren and Test E cycle) why asked about liver protection? Shouldn't your blood work mid and post cycle confirm if your liver function within range? Any orals introduce will increase your liver value-but shouldn't be an issue if you drink plenty of water and make sure you're not running oral past 6 weeks.
I never did a post blood work and no I didn't use any AL.

What do you think about the cycle assist and tudca?

Im not convinced you know what an AI is, nor am i convinced that you were ready for the first cycle you claim you did. I base this on the assumption you dont know what these compounds do, or what they're responsible for. I think perhaps more research is necessary in order for you to execute a properly developed cycle. Read the stickies and familiarize yourself on the safe use of AAS and pay particular attention to SERM's, AI's, and blood work Pre/Post.
I will be taking cycle assist, tudca and arimidex throughout my cycle.

For pct I will be taking clomid and nolvadex.

Wanted to see if this would be enough?
Id forgo the cycle assist, but certainly use the TUDCA for liver support if youre including orals on-cycle.

I would include an AI (aromatase inhibitor) on this cycle to help keep estrogen in check. Not user how sensitive you are to fluctuating E2 levels or AAS but .25mg EOD of Adex would be a good place to start. Monitor your visual and felt sides and adjust accordingly if you have no blood work to refer to.

Run your PCT plan like last cycle; Clomid/Nolva.
So the cycle assist won't do me any good? I'm trying to at least be some what safe with the milk thistle and other ingredients.

Where can I get myself some AL besides naps, don't really want to just order 1 pack of that and pay $25 shipping
Pharma or UGL, those are your options. Dump the Milk Thistle too. UDCA or TUDCA is your best bet for liver protection, IMHO. NAC or Liv 52 if you cant locate TUDCA.
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I already got myself some bottles of tudca just have to place the order, buying about a 4 month supply. So cycle assist def won't be beneficial no matter the amount of orals and oils I'm doing?

Is the aromasin def needed? If it is I'll just see if I can make a small order on maps gear and maybe some more adex since I only got 1 packet.
Stick to one AI! Dont bounce from Adex to Aromasin with your AI. They have two different half lives and often respond differently depending on the individual. Yes, they are both AI but not recommended to interchange them at random. If you have Adex and it works for you, then stick with it especially since you dont have bloods to help you.
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That's what I was asking before if I also need the aro. I have about a 2 month supply of adex so I'll use eod at my higher dose, first time using a al didn't my last cycle.
Begin your AI (Arimidex) @ .25mg EOD and adjust from there. And while youre at it, pick up a dopamine agonist from your source too. Always prudent to have some on hand when running 19 nor's.
Dopamine is to be used everyday? And is buying it from amazon in pills fine.

Dopamine AGONIST. Cabergoline or Pramipexole. You cant purchase them on Amazon just like you cant purchase steroids on Amazon.

Do some research on what these compounds are for and how they behave and why they're importatant. (PK vs PD)
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I already got myself some bottles of tudca just have to place the order, buying about a 4 month supply. So cycle assist def won't be beneficial no matter the amount of orals and oils I'm doing?

Is the aromasin def needed? If it is I'll just see if I can make a small order on maps gear and maybe some more adex since I only got 1 packet.

I'd suggest you try reading the "AAS and the liver" forum pages before purchasing any "liver support agents".

The use of "liver protectors" is bro-science pure and simple, as there is no on or off label indication for any of these agents within the medical area for hepatic prophylaxis, nor are they FDA approved as such.

And for good reason bc NONE are proven effective in reducing liver enzyme changes that may occur from a number of drugs.

Comments to the contrary are based on anecdotes IME

What MEDICAL therapy is instituted when enzyme changes are noted? The drug MUST BE STOPPED, with few exceptions!
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