ATD vs. Aromasin


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Anyone here used ATD ( It's basically a suicidal aromatase inhibitor comparable to aromasin. I tried it a while back but can attest to dry joints with ED use. What results have you guys had?
I used it long ago, and it absolutely destroyed my libido. It's not something I would ever personally use again, when there are far better options out there with things like aromasin. There's no question that it did its job as far as lowering estrogen, but the side effects far outweigh the benefits in my opinion.
never used the stuff before but that was an interesting read thanks. did not know it was a suicidal AI

I've learned a lot from these articles
i've used both and i actually found very minimal difference.Except aromasin worked a bit better and atd was cheaper.I still prefer aromasin.
I liked Formestane much better than this stuff, weird that forma is now schedule III and this ATD crap is still being sold everywhere.