Australia Bust


New Member
This guy ,a Chinese national gets done a second time! First time was in January this year and then gets raided yesterday for the second time,the stupidity is unbelievable from this guy.

Seems very characteristic of guys in the business. Close calls, warnings, even unresolved cases don't get them to stop when doing so would often get them a slap on the wrist.
Seems very characteristic of guys in the business. Close calls, warnings, even unresolved cases don't get them to stop when doing so would often get them a slap on the wrist.
That's just how individuals operate in the black market. Nothing stands in those peoples way to make money
That's just how individuals operate in the black market. Nothing stands in those peoples way to make money

The difference is the authorities don't come down with a sledgehammer like they do on "real" major drug operations. It's never prosecuted with the same vigor, everyone gets out on bond, non-custodial sentences are the norm. Yet, many of these guys find a way to make it as bad as possible for themselves. Can't even take a break while waiting to resolve the existing trouble.
He wasn't even sentenced on his first case from March ? And already trying to operate again. Lol he gon learn today. Curious what sentence he gets .

The difference is the authorities don't come down with a sledgehammer like they do on "real" major drug operations. It's never prosecuted with the same vigor, everyone gets out on bond, non-custodial sentences are the norm. Yet, many of these guys find a way to make it as bad as possible for themselves. Can't even take a break while waiting to resolve the existing trouble.

It's a brain disease or maybe the only financial means they can imagine.

Probably both. I'm being polite.