MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

@SwolieGuacamole, @readalot

Both of these members shared a list of additional tests that sources have been following.

When should we expect you to initiate this?
We sent him samples pretty recently so seeing if he can tack on additional tests to those itself.

Mind linking me to a source that has recently posted the new tests? (I’m looking around but may save me some time if you have them handy).
Dec 17, 2024 in this very thread:

@Axle Labs responded to me 30 min ago which shows he looks at my messages in here. You are so done. You really can't even help yourself.

How many times can you lie in one day? New record.
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The improvement for that was brought by removing peristaltic pumps and having individual bottle top vacuum pumps for each compound.

This is pretty dumb actually. Your contamination of different compounds being mixed is because you used the same tubing for all obviously. Why, tubing is cheap? Dedicate a tube for each product or toss it after use. Why go to bottle tops when it takes a significant amount of more time, supplies and money? I feel like I should send you bill

If you do go back to using the peristaltic pumps toss the garden hose you had spliced to your rig you were using. Seriously wtf? Those things are literally designed to use a #17-18 tube and work just fine pushing through capsule filters.
This is pretty dumb actually. Your contamination of different compounds being mixed is because you used the same tubing for all obviously. Why, tubing is cheap? Dedicate a tube for each product or toss it after use. Why go to bottle tops when it takes a significant amount of more time, supplies and money? I feel like I should send you bill

If you do go back to using the peristaltic pumps toss the garden hose you had spliced to your rig you were using. Seriously wtf? Those things are literally designed to use a #17-18 tube and work just fine pushing through capsule filters.
The peristaltic pump has tubing inside as well to push the oil. This may be insignificant when brewing liters since the tubing is small (inside the pump), we did not want to risk small amounts of Guaiacol making it into compounds. The Guaiacol making it into other compounds was one of the reasons we switched away.

Replacing tubing within the pump isn’t as simple as replacing the tubing connecting pump to filter.
The peristaltic pump has tubing inside as well to push the oil. This may be insignificant when brewing liters since the tubing is small (inside the pump), we did not want to risk small amounts of Guaiacol making it into compounds. The Guaiacol making it into other compounds was one of the reasons we switched away.

Replacing tubing within the pump isn’t as simple as replacing the tubing connecting pump to filter.
You are referring to the circled tubing? That’s the same tubing that should be ran entirely and not the bathroom water hose you have spiced on there. There was no reason to spice water hose on there. You can actually go with a bigger tubing or buy a peristaltic pumps that’s not so cheap. It is also super easy to take that tubing out and replace, clean, etc and you know this. Please just refer to YouTube/ peristaltic pumps /capsule filter. :rolleyes:

Qsc is just one of the most recent.

There's probably 5 others I could pull out just skimming.
Yea, we’re onboard. That’s useful and gets sources one step closer to Pharma. Will keep you guys updated. Emailed jano. Hopefully it can be shared on the recent compounds we sent.

Apologies for not noticing other sources were doing that now. I don’t look at other threads much.
Some sources barely have enough time to respond to everyone in their own thread. I wouldn't expect them to know everything that is going on in other threads like some Meso jockeys do.
I'm confused @Axleyou said "I'll test for these metals if that's what people want"

You keep repeating the same taco filling in every message you send.
It's clear just do the metals testing and stearilty testing.

There's no need to beat the bush anymore does a vast arrangement of testings, in fact I can send a message myself right now and id be answered within 12hrs or less.

Stop with all the condescending taco filling and just get it down.
We didn’t re-send a sample because people didn’t want the testing. Then he was asked to do the testing himself and avoided the question. I muted him after that.

Thats why I’m again asking if people want the metals testing. Because the only person who wanted it before was that guy (who I still have muted).

I don't think anyone really wants the metals testing but you're gonna get shit for not doing it anyway.
Yea, we’re onboard. That’s useful and gets sources one step closer to Pharma. Will keep you guys updated. Emailed jano. Hopefully it can be shared on the recent compounds we sent.

Apologies for not noticing other sources were doing that now. I don’t look at other threads much.
All the info was placed in your thread by me, the person not on ignore, proven by your actions tonight.

You are a LIAR! Consistently.
You are referring to the circled tubing? That’s the same tubing that should be ran entirely and not the bathroom water hose you have spiced on there. There was no reason to spice water hose on there. You can actually go with a bigger tubing or buy a peristaltic pumps that’s not so cheap. It is also super easy to take that tubing out and replace, clean, etc and you know this. Please just refer to YouTube/ peristaltic pumps /capsule filter. :rolleyes:

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That tubing would often split open due to the pressure between it and the filters (we tried the extended version). That’s why you see the heat resistant and stronger tubes connecting to the filters.

Sure, we could disconnect and clean the pump tubing between brewing different compounds. We chose to use multiple bottle top filters instead to have several brews going at once. Another option was having multiple peristaltic pumps.
I don't think anyone really wants the metals testing but you're gonna get shit for not doing it anyway.
I'm sure you missed this, yes?

Now you can say you did see it.

Intermittent surveillance would be reasonable.
