MESO-Rx Sponsor Axle Labs - US Domestic

I don't wanna keep highjacking axles thread but I logged it into my brewlog in the himebrew section. I made a trenbase/testbase blend at 80mg tne/50mg tren base. I called it holy hell. I only did about 4 shots of it and through it out hurt like a bitch and cause tren cough.. good times though.....
I actually enjoy tren cough it’s… invigorating.
Might order the bazooka blend AND it’s got ment, how much would you use pwo? 0.5 or full ml?
30mg Testosterone Base/ml
30mg Trenbolone Base/ml
1mg M-Tren/ml

MCT and Guaiacol
Might order the bazooka blend AND it’s got ment, how much would you use pwo? 0.3?
30mg Testosterone Base/ml
30mg Trenbolone Base/ml
1mg M-Tren/ml
Carrier Oil:
Contains Guaiacol
I have used axles bazooka blend and the rage pre-workout.. the rage has to be heated to hell and back to uncrash evrytime before I used it but the pip was less and I like it better out of the 2. I mean if your gonna poke yourself might as well full the syringe and do a ml. Right?? Honestly I just want to ease back and do moderate dose long ester drugs for now on.. dont know how that will go but that's the plan.
Lemme get the pros from the veteran hgh users. It gets pricey. Going 2-4 iu a day you are running through multiple vials a week. I obviously didnt do my math right upon ordering when I only snagged 5 vials lol. Worth the price?