Baby asprin

In the US, adult aspirin is 325 mg. Baby aspirin is one-quarter of that, 81 mg. Some of these numbers are either full of shit or from countries where they really love their patients to come in to the ER with GI bleeds. (Hint: they're all full of shit.)

If you have no history of significant cardiac events (heart attack, cardiac arrest), you run more risk of starting an aspirin regimen than doing nothing. The research never supported this practice, and within the last twenty years the research has shown that it's killed more people than it's saved.

Just say no. (Unless you've had a heart attack, then take one 81 mg aspirin with food once per day.)
If you have no history of significant cardiac events (heart attack, cardiac arrest), you run more risk of starting an aspirin regimen than doing nothing.
Agreed. The only time I would opt to take it would be if RBC was elevated AND if I had high platelet count