BAC water

I'll bet 90%+ of non-pharma BAC water is made with distilled water. Water for injection requires specialized equipment to produce and much more expensive to buy.

I’ve also seen wildly off ph, incorrect amount of ba, and other oddities when the testing groups did a bunch of them. Just seems worth it to go with pharma.

Oh yah, that is by far the best source. Got 25 for what I got 5 for last time.
I live in Canada and thanks to the degenerate government here there is these safe injection sites. You can go to them and get back water for free. Also if you go a pharmacy and tell them you use injectable drugs and need water for your heroin they'll give it for free... In Canada anyway.
fyi thats not bac water and for single use and does not stop bacteria growth.. hope u dont use that for peptides lol.

also calls gov degenerate and yet uses the program so it gets more funding lol.