Bad quad injection...


Ok guys so I pinned my left quad on tuesday. Its sore as a bitch and swollen but not red or hot to the touch. My main concern here is that I might have injected into a nerve.. I was looking at the pin spot and Its like in the middle of my upper quad idk how this happened cuz usually I shoot the outer head idk if it was the way I was sitting but I pinned right in the middle of my upper quad. Didnt notice anything weird during the injection but it started to hurt like a bitch later that night. Its not getting any better at this point. It hurts the most when I stand up or walk. Im thinking I might have hit a nerve or this could be a blood clot or something going on here. Im thinking about going into the ER but if I just hit a nerve idk what they will be able to do to help me. Has anyone here ever injected into a nerve?
Ok guys so I pinned my left quad on tuesday. Its sore as a bitch and swollen but not red or hot to the touch. My main concern here is that I might have injected into a nerve.. I was looking at the pin spot and Its like in the middle of my upper quad idk how this happened cuz usually I shoot the outer head idk if it was the way I was sitting but I pinned right in the middle of my upper quad. Didnt notice anything weird during the injection but it started to hurt like a bitch later that night. Its not getting any better at this point. It hurts the most when I stand up or walk. Im thinking I might have hit a nerve or this could be a blood clot or something going on here. Im thinking about going into the ER but if I just hit a nerve idk what they will be able to do to help me. Has anyone here ever injected into a nerve?
New gear? Or same? Same vial?

Better be safe then sorry and go get checked out
Quads give me the most PIP out of any injection site to be fair. I no longer pin them for that reason, and the fact I've knicked a few veins in the quads (the squirters were wild)

That said, hitting a nerve would be very noticeable when you're doing the actual injection. It will "jolt" you, almost feeling like you had a sudden pulse of electricity go through you and your muscles will tighten up into a flexed position for a brief moment when that does happen.

Also with that said, Tuesday to Saturday (when you made the post) is quite a long time to still be dealing with the PIP. Is it High concentration gear? Similar advice I gave in another thread but apply a heating pad to It and massage the area. Or take a hot shower and massage the area. It's also worth investing in a massage gun if possible. I swear it helps disburse the oil and reduce PIP so much better.

The good news is it's not red or hot to the touch. Have you taken your temperature? Any fever? Sounds like a bad case of PIP, but I'd definitely keep a close eye on it, and If it gets worse then maybe see someone.
Those random pips from Test C is bitting everyones ass I see. What is happening is a rhetorical question. Same thing happened to Test E few years ago now it's good I hear. Nobody had or has an answer to that, only speculations, Jano himself couldn't tell what was wrong.
Quads give me the most PIP out of any injection site to be fair. I no longer pin them for that reason, and the fact I've knicked a few veins in the quads (the squirters were wild)

That said, hitting a nerve would be very noticeable when you're doing the actual injection. It will "jolt" you, almost feeling like you had a sudden pulse of electricity go through you and your muscles will tighten up into a flexed position for a brief moment when that does happen.

Also with that said, Tuesday to Saturday (when you made the post) is quite a long time to still be dealing with the PIP. Is it High concentration gear? Similar advice I gave in another thread but apply a heating pad to It and massage the area. Or take a hot shower and massage the area. It's also worth investing in a massage gun if possible. I swear it helps disburse the oil and reduce PIP so much better.

The good news is it's not red or hot to the touch. Have you taken your temperature? Any fever? Sounds like a bad case of PIP, but I'd definitely keep a close eye on it, and If it gets worse then maybe see someone.
That jolt of electricity is horrible, and quads are definitly main place that occurs, it takes me like 20 seconds to get an inch needle in as i go so slow to creep in, so the second i feel and hinderance of the possibility of the nerve ill move it in leg a bit
That jolt of electricity is horrible, and quads are definitly main place that occurs, it takes me like 20 seconds to get an inch needle in as i go so slow to creep in, so the second i feel and hinderance of the possibility of the nerve ill move it in leg a bit
Yeah I've just had too many negative experiences with quads. I try to pin the outer quad, but maybe I'm just not doing it in the right spot or something, not sure

Never have issues with lats,delts, glutes aside from the occasional muscle twitch. Probably will just stick with those. I find lats to be the easiest
Ok guys so I pinned my left quad on tuesday. Its sore as a bitch and swollen but not red or hot to the touch. My main concern here is that I might have injected into a nerve.. I was looking at the pin spot and Its like in the middle of my upper quad idk how this happened cuz usually I shoot the outer head idk if it was the way I was sitting but I pinned right in the middle of my upper quad. Didnt notice anything weird during the injection but it started to hurt like a bitch later that night. Its not getting any better at this point. It hurts the most when I stand up or walk. Im thinking I might have hit a nerve or this could be a blood clot or something going on here. Im thinking about going into the ER but if I just hit a nerve idk what they will be able to do to help me. Has anyone here ever injected into a nerve?
What size needle?
If you hit your upper quad with a longer pin, and you don't have huge legs you might have over penetrated and shot the oil underneed the muscle.

In any case, there's no telling, could have hit a nerve. could have been a isolated bad reaction. You said it's not where you usually pin, so might just be a virgin muscle response if you haven't pinned that area before.

Who knows, keep an eye on it, and if it starts showing redness, heat, or itching get your ass to the doc
What size needle?
If you hit your upper quad with a longer pin, and you don't have huge legs you might have over penetrated and shot the oil underneed the muscle.

In any case, there's no telling, could have hit a nerve. could have been a isolated bad reaction. You said it's not where you usually pin, so might just be a virgin muscle response if you haven't pinned that area before.

Who knows, keep an eye on it, and if it starts showing redness, heat, or itching get your ass to the doc
I used a 27g 1/2in. My legs are pretty big and lean you can see veins easily on my quads so theres very little fat. I have a theory, I think what happened was I either injected into the rectus formalus or the middle muscle of your quad and that would be a virgin pin for me. Or I some how happened to jam the pin in between the two muscle and basically subq it. Both theories but It still the same has been since wednesday woke up today with no pain while laying but when I start walking around it starts to throb. The reason im so concerned is because Ive had blood clots before. Thanks guys for the help, im getting in my head a little about this as a blood clot is very serious.
I used a 27g 1/2in. My legs are pretty big and lean you can see veins easily on my quads so theres very little fat. I have a theory, I think what happened was I either injected into the rectus formalus or the middle muscle of your quad and that would be a virgin pin for me. Or I some how happened to jam the pin in between the two muscle and basically subq it. Both theories but It still the same has been since wednesday woke up today with no pain while laying but when I start walking around it starts to throb. The reason im so concerned is because Ive had blood clots before. Thanks guys for the help, im getting in my head a little about this as a blood clot is very serious.
Health first.

If your worried go get checked out.
I'm sure you'll be fine, but I'm a better safe than sorry kind of guy, and if it gives you piece of mind that's worth it on its own
If you’re pinning the side of your quads, chances of pip is very high compared to the upper part in my experience.

Especially when using a needle that small and short. It’s probably your gear if not your injection site.
If you’re pinning the side of your quads, chances of pip is very high compared to the upper part in my experience.

Especially when using a needle that small and short. It’s probably your gear if not your injection site.
It was the upper middle of the quad. Ive never pinned there I usually pin the upper outer part. It could have been just a really bad shot but its been like 5 days with not much improvement. Just really weird. I ditched the gear and pinned test e yesterday VG with zero pip. It think it might have been a combo of bad gear with a bad shot in a virgin muscle.
I would agree with what was already said but one extra thing would be either solvent amounts in the gear or maybe you injected between 2 muscles n did a weird fked sq thing that’s just sitting there so yeah should be ok but if u worried it doesn’t hurt to be safe n get checked out mane, I hope this ain’t that Turk that you were talking bout cos if that’s it then no wonder ahah
You didn’t pin a nerve. If you pinned a nerve you would absolutely know it when you pinnned. It does not show up as pip later.
Just sounds like you have some pip.
1/2” is quite short for pining quads also.

I think you have it figured out with it being a virgin area and you’re just getting some pip from that
It was the upper middle of the quad. Ive never pinned there I usually pin the upper outer part. It could have been just a really bad shot but its been like 5 days with not much improvement. Just really weird. I ditched the gear and pinned test e yesterday VG with zero pip. It think it might have been a combo of bad gear with a bad shot in a virgin muscle.
Sometimes in the course of our steroid journey, I think there would be a random swelling bound to happen be it in our 500th or 1325th injection. Because it is an inevitable occurrence, we can only expect it and prepare ourselves with ways to avoid it or treat it sensibly which you are already doing.

I had one incident akin to yours last year. Did my usual preparations, inserted 29gauge to front delts but for some reason the resistance is stronger than usual when pushing plunger. Then pressure released which caused me to inject the oil quicker than usual. This caused slight redness and discomfort, it wasn’t swollen though. Didn’t pin the site for a month and it went away by itself.

I think it just happens once in a while, as long as we keep things sanitary and know that our gear is clean, not full of solvents; then we have done our part to keep ourselves safe.
I had something similar happen. Pretty sure it was because I ended up injecting subs between the muscle bellies which caused irritation and created a sterile abscess. Had some swelling and redness but it didn’t spread and the site never got warm. Took a couple weeks to fully go away.

I still pin quads but I make sure to hit the middle of the muscle belly.
Sometimes in the course of our steroid journey, I think there would be a random swelling bound to happen be it in our 500th or 1325th injection. Because it is an inevitable occurrence, we can only expect it and prepare ourselves with ways to avoid it or treat it sensibly which you are already doing.

I had one incident akin to yours last year. Did my usual preparations, inserted 29gauge to front delts but for some reason the resistance is stronger than usual when pushing plunger. Then pressure released which caused me to inject the oil quicker than usual. This caused slight redness and discomfort, it wasn’t swollen though. Didn’t pin the site for a month and it went away by itself.

I think it just happens once in a while, as long as we keep things sanitary and know that our gear is clean, not full of solvents; then we have done our part to keep ourselves safe.
yeah bro I noticed it was hard to push at first and then it went in really quick. How long did you notice the PIP after this shot?
I had something similar happen. Pretty sure it was because I ended up injecting subs between the muscle bellies which caused irritation and created a sterile abscess. Had some swelling and redness but it didn’t spread and the site never got warm. Took a couple weeks to fully go away.

I still pin quads but I make sure to hit the middle of the muscle belly.
I think I did this too. just by chance pinned in between the two muscles basically doing a subq.
I used a 27g 1/2in. My legs are pretty big and lean you can see veins easily on my quads so theres very little fat. I have a theory, I think what happened was I either injected into the rectus formalus or the middle muscle of your quad and that would be a virgin pin for me. Or I some how happened to jam the pin in between the two muscle and basically subq it. Both theories but It still the same has been since wednesday woke up today with no pain while laying but when I start walking around it starts to throb. The reason im so concerned is because Ive had blood clots before. Thanks guys for the help, im getting in my head a little about this as a blood clot is very serious.
Sorry about your dilemma, sounds like shit. I'd just completely leave legs out of the picture in the future. Especially since you have had clots. Why deal with pip while also having to stress over clots. Fuck that.

Sounds like you went into some fascia then exited said fascia and have some floating oil. Could be lots of things.
Sorry about your dilemma, sounds like shit. I'd just completely leave legs out of the picture in the future. Especially since you have had clots. Why deal with pip while also having to stress over clots. Fuck that.

Sounds like you went into some fascia then exited said fascia and have some floating oil. Could be lots of things.
Hey maybe you can get a positive side effect from this by stretching your fascia a la fst7/dc training ahah but fr I hope shit resolves itself asap brotha
Yeah I've just had too many negative experiences with quads. I try to pin the outer quad, but maybe I'm just not doing it in the right spot or something, not sure

Never have issues with lats,delts, glutes aside from the occasional muscle twitch. Probably will just stick with those. I find lats to be the easiest
Can you describe your lat technique?