Bad quad injection...

I do the same, I use 2-3 different spots on my lats

Highly underrated site. Can take at least 1.5ml no problem for me, haven't been willing to go higher than that, but I'm sure I could
1.5 is probably a safe bet.

I recently did 2.7ML without any pip or problems, didn't leak from the muscle either, but it's probably better to do 1.5 and spread it around for better absorption
I'm in the same boat, I pinned middle/middle left quad Thursday instead on outer/middle quad. Sore Friday, significantly sore Saturday, tried to train legs and had to stop immediately.
Now it's Sunday and I can barely walk, no bruising or redness but 3/4 of my quad is swollen.
Doing hot/cold compression and going to take Motrin.
yeah dude this is the same thing going on for me. I have skipped legs twice ive been training legs twice a week and I havent touched them since last tuesday now. Im debating training them and seeing if that helps disburse the oil I think its just sitting under my skin like a sterile absess because I def fucked something up and missed the muscle and its just sitting under my skin now. Ive been icing it which helps a little.
I don't use my quads very often.

I stick to VG for any big shots on a bigger blast, and then use slin pins for everywhere else.

Delta, tris, lats, traps (occasional pec, but I'm not a fan)

In the past I would use slin pins into the rectus femoris, or bigger shots into the lateralis, never had any issues, but the crippling potential of a bad shot deterred me from keeping them in my regular rotation.

On top of that, my deep tissue/PT guy (who works on a bunch of high level pros, including nick walker currently) claims he can feel the scar tissue buildup far more in quads than in other sites. As a guy who already struggles with his quads, I decided to keep that variable to a minimum and only rotate in quads when I have really high injection volume
dude im scraping quad shots after this im fucking pissed off this happened cuz its really fucking up my life right now. I did a VG shot of test E went in so smooth and zero pip. Ive never shot my arms but I might start going back to delts or rear delts with a slin pin. Im only shooting 2cc a week right now so its not a big deal.
dude im scraping quad shots after this im fucking pissed off this happened cuz its really fucking up my life right now. I did a VG shot of test E went in so smooth and zero pip. Ive never shot my arms but I might start going back to delts or rear delts with a slin pin. Im only shooting 2cc a week right now so its not a big deal.
Just out of curiosity as someone who hasn't pinned rear delts yet, is another person needed or can you do it yourself?

Does anyone know a good resource that has video tutorials for pinning in the more not so common areas?

Just out of curiosity as someone who hasn't pinned rear delts yet, is another person needed or can you do it yourself?

Does anyone know a good resource that has video tutorials for pinning in the more not so common areas?

Google spot injections, has a lot of the popular sites with pictures.

I personally can't reach rear delt and need my fiance to do them, which is why they aren't in my regular rotation
Thanks man.

Whats your opinion on aspirating?
It hasn't been a practice in the clinical/medical setting for a long time, I see no reason to do so.

If you adhere to standard injection sites, it's basically impossible to hit a major vein. You would have to dump you're entire syringe right into a vein to have any adverse effects and that's basically an impossibly with proper injection practices and locations
It hasn't been a practice in the clinical/medical setting for a long time, I see no reason to do so.

If you adhere to standard injection sites, it's basically impossible to hit a major vein. You would have to dump you're entire syringe right into a vein to have any adverse effects and that's basically an impossibly with proper injection practices and locations
Cool cheers, I haven't done so in ages either. Especially when doing harder to reach areas, the less moving around I do when the needles inside, less of a chance it results in some PIP.
Just out of curiosity as someone who hasn't pinned rear delts yet, is another person needed or can you do it yourself?

Does anyone know a good resource that has video tutorials for pinning in the more not so common areas?

I can do them on my own just push your elbow back and lean forward its pretty easy to hit it. Rear delts are like VG for upperbody its a really small muscle but they handle injections well for me.
yeah dude this is the same thing going on for me. I have skipped legs twice ive been training legs twice a week and I havent touched them since last tuesday now. Im debating training them and seeing if that helps disburse the oil I think its just sitting under my skin like a sterile absess because I def fucked something up and missed the muscle and its just sitting under my skin now. Ive been icing it which helps a little.

If you can put off legs till you feel 100%, it would probably be a good idea. I honestly feel I am in the pain I am because I tried to train legs. I thought starting off slow with basic movements would help, nope bad idea.
I'm going back to delts and glutes for now on
I "save" VG for big shots, but don't sleep on the harder to reach parts of the glute medius and maximus. As long as you stay to the outside, TF away from the sciatic nerve, I've found that it's hard to get any PIP at all, no matter how much I inject.

With a couple of minutes of practice in a mirror, you can get yourself to be able to inject yourself "blind."

But maybe I'm being too cavalier about it -- I've never hit the sciatic nerve, but have a feeling that I could end up crumpled on the floor if I did. Would not be fun having to explain to the ER how a syringe of oil ended up my ass like an SNL skit.
Quads give me the most PIP out of any injection site to be fair. I no longer pin them for that reason, and the fact I've knicked a few veins in the quads (the squirters were wild)
Same here.. so I have not pinned them in a very long time. IMO there are a lot of better options that are just as easy to hit. I was tired of limping around for days haha
I currently just rotate between side and rear delt pinning .80ml every day, 27g 1in (they’re actually 1.5 cause the bitch at the pharmacy gave me the wrong box) but i have pretty big shoulders so it works out
Saying nothing goes wrong, I follow proper sanitation and hygiene, but whenever I inject quads with either test E, npp, or both I still get pip for like 3 days. Does this quad pip ever go away? I get zero pip in glutes or delts. I use 1" 25g and 1-2cc. Is 25g too big?
Saying nothing goes wrong, I follow proper sanitation and hygiene, but whenever I inject quads with either test E, npp, or both I still get pip for like 3 days. Does this quad pip ever go away? I get zero pip in glutes or delts. I use 1" 25g and 1-2cc. Is 25g too big?
1” 25g is definitely the correct/ best size for injecting quads
Might just be how you handle it personally
I don’t get pip too often in quads and I inject both of my quads every six days. Pip doesn’t bother me though. I actually have grown to like it. I get pip every time I inject traps and it is immediate and lasts for a couple days. I inject both traps every 6 days. So 1/3 of the time I have pip in my traps lol
I have been pinning VG only since im only pinning mon/thurs right now and It has been so easy without any pip. Idk why I havent been pinning VG because its by far the smoothes and takes 2cc easily. The quad has finally returned to normal and I had the best leg session ive had in a while last night so im happy. lesson learned I guess, I think ive been pinning quads just too much.