Bad to use Nolva as PCT for Deca Cycle


New Member
Hello all,
I am planning on running a 12 week cycle of deca at 350 a week and test e and cyp at 500 a week (followed by two weeks of test after I stop the deca) along with 500 iu's of HCG a week. I was planning on running a PCT of nolva and clomid at 40 40 20 20 and 100 100 50 50 but have been reading that Nolva is counterproductive as a PCT with deca cycles. Can anyone add their opinion or verify this? If so, what would you recommend my PCT to be.

Also, should I run the HCG from weeks 1-12 or start it at week 3. Thanks.
As long as deca has cleared the blood you shouldn't have a problem with nolva. I stop deca at least 2 weeks earlier than test to be on the safe side

Some people don't believe on this interaction but i prefer to stay on the safe side
As long as deca has cleared the blood you shouldn't have a problem with nolva. I stop deca at least 2 weeks earlier than test to be on the safe side

Some people don't believe on this interaction but i prefer to stay on the safe side
Deca will not have cleared your blood in 2 weeks. I believe (although I don't feel like finding a study) you will test positive for it in your blood for many months after you stop
Deca will not have cleared your blood in 2 weeks. I believe (although I don't feel like finding a study) you will test positive for it in your blood for many months after you stop

Metabolites of Deca are the ones detected on a doping test not the actual nandrolone.

You are not going to start pct immediately after test enanate anyway.
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