Been cruising for 3 years but want to join army

I won competitions man but I'm having money issues right now I'm using the army to help me pay for school get my own place etc
I compete and have won competitions. I have never heard how being in the army or being a cop made anyone win who otherwise didn’t deserve it.

Beyond that I agree with Navy Chief.
I'm gonna try to pct and then check my levels I definitely wanna join the army gonna pick an easy mos I gotta do some more research though.

Any other bodybuilders here join the army? I heard it's better to be lean
Being lean is rare in the Army. Depending on your MOS, you will be with people who value fitness or don't. Strong suggestion, go to an off post gym.
These responses are funny, do you know how many guys in the military juice up? Pretty much no different than cops and firefighters, physical strength is encouraged and juice is pretty much an underground culture that’s a given in the military. If you were randomly getting tested then guys like Cedric McMillan wouldn’t have had a job!!!
These responses are funny, do you know how many guys in the military juice up?
Me and everyone I knew did. Hell, most of my command also did. I'm old, so I can't speak on today's military, but I have never heard of anyone getting tested for PEDs. And I was picked EVERY time to piss in the "random" tests.