Been on TRT for a year.. Looking to experiment with other AAS.


New Member
I'm 42. Hopped on TRT about a year ago in order to help preserve muscle as I recovered from a hip replacement. Overall, I'm happy with the results on TRT. No side effects I can perceive. And after 6 months, I was able to return to lifting the same weights as before my operation. Now, I'm looking to add a bit more to my stack. I figured I'd start with some nandrolone, as I've heard it makes ones joints feel great, and obviously helps build a bit of muscle too. I'm on 200 mg/week of test. I don't plan to start anything crazy. Maybe I'll just add 100 mg/week of nandrolone.
I would recommend to just increase the dosage of testosterone. There is no need imho to add more compounds, specially at that dose of T.

If you are going to add nandrolone for the joints at 100mg you should feel it although if you are planning to PCT or go for a child any time soon consider that with 19-nors like nandrolone your recovery will take longer.
In addition to feeling better, my bio-markers improved after starting TRT (e.g., lower LDL and ApoB, higher ferritin, iron, hemoglobin ... I was always anemic). So, I have no plans to ever get off T. I was just thinking of getting on nadrolone because a few people had mentioned to me specifically that it is beneficial for joints). If the nandrolone also helps me build muscle and/or lose fat, all the better.

Also, I actually was on TRT about 5 years ago at a higher dose than I'm on now, and I noticed some breast swelling and thinning hair at that time, so I stopped. I'm hoping to avoid those side effects this time.

I know everyone is different, but how high do most people go on test (weekly dose) before it is worth exploring other anabolics?