Best bulking cycle

I’ve done test deca and anadrol as well as a dbol cycle. Orals obviously on separate cycles but I was curious of ones that really put on serious gains for people
I’ve done test deca and anadrol as well as a dbol cycle. Orals obviously on separate cycles but I was curious of ones that really put on serious gains for people
It’s not about the drug. You can take DNP but eat in a surplus and gain weight. You can take 500mgs anadrol and 5 grams of deca but eat in a deficit and lose weight. This idea that drugs dictate your weight gain is nonsense, eat more - gain weight.
It’s not about the drug. You can take DNP but eat in a surplus and gain weight. You can take 500mgs anadrol and 5 grams of deca but eat in a deficit and lose weight. This idea that drugs dictate your weight gain is nonsense, eat more - gain weight.

I find that to be truth as well. I could gain a lot of weight and size as a natty by eating in surplas but my body composition was trash, having peds in place just allows me to utilize all that food. That's the way i see it.

For example i'd never do 1,5gr of gear for 200kcal surplas if my intention was to add size and muscles. In my latest off season i was with 1gr total of Test/EQ/NPP plus some anadrol and my calories were 1000-1200 above maintenance with my body composition not taking a big hit, sure i added some fat but most of the added weight was glygogen and muscle tissue.
although you can run anything and grow as food dictates muscle gain as well, my favourite bulking cycle using commonly available compounds would be test/deca/eq with anadrol and dbol stacked in. i also always add in tren because i feel better and ALWAYS grow much leaner meaning i can push the "bulk" way harder and sometimes end up still around 10% after all that's done
It’s not about the drug. You can take DNP but eat in a surplus and gain weight. You can take 500mgs anadrol and 5 grams of deca but eat in a deficit and lose weight. This idea that drugs dictate your weight gain is nonsense, eat more - gain weight.
I understand how it works. I was asking a question on people’s favourite bulking stacks and the duration of everything else.
Look at the logs from @Sagnastymuscle and @Trenbolonetax. They have really good logs and provide good details and insight!

I personally would just stick to Test, Primo and GH combined with good sleep, good food and hard training!
I understand how it works. I was asking a question on people’s favourite bulking stacks and the duration of everything else.
There are 2 kinds of cycles which you will see pretty much everywhere these days considered as the "bread and butter"

Test + Primo + (Optional: bit of NPP/Deca)
Test + Deca (Optional: and a DHT of your choice or just Proviron for the feeling.)
There are also people who swear by Test + EQ but i have no experience and lack the knowledge with EQ so dont quote me on that.

On top of that as much GH as you can afford and run the longest. Perhaps some Slin or an occasional Oral although i would save that up for the end of a bulk to squeeze out the final bits or during a cut to lean out more.
Dr. Todd Lee of YouTube fame says test as high as you can tolerate without AI and then the sky is the limit with masteron. Just keep bumping the masteron when the progress stalls and you've already tried more food but that causes you to gain too much fat instead.
I don't agree with this nor would I waste my time trying it. But he says that is the best approach. Maybe you'll like it.
Dr. Todd Lee of YouTube fame says test as high as you can tolerate without AI and then the sky is the limit with masteron. Just keep bumping the masteron when the progress stalls and you've already tried more food but that causes you to gain too much fat instead.
I don't agree with this nor would I waste my time trying it. But he says that is the best approach. Maybe you'll like it.
Isn't he also less than 200 pounds on stage?
The one that allows you to use enough androgens to induce growth with the fewest health impacts and as little to zero impact on your ability to eat as possible.

WHEN YOU ARE READY FOR TOTAL DOSAGES that are conducive to this…ideal cycles in my opinion include a test, dht, and 19nor at ratios to avoid the use of anti-estrogen and -prolactin drugs with as much GH as can be tolerated/afforded.
Isn't he also less than 200 pounds on stage?
Not sure on the weight but he looked terrible at the last show. He's even said himself that he put on the most muscle with deca only but he's so concerned now with maximizing serum igf-1 with high estrogen that he won't do that anymore since even running grams of deca won't give him high e2. He won't run test with deca because he said it gave him too many issues. You could use dbol to raise e2 but it's methylated so you can't measure it but he could still measure his serum igf-1. I'm not so sure how important measuring serum igf-1 is though since it doesn't tell you what's going on at the tissue level
Not sure on the weight but he looked terrible at the last show. He's even said himself that he put on the most muscle with deca only but he's so concerned now with maximizing serum igf-1 with high estrogen that he won't do that anymore since even running grams of deca won't give him high e2. He won't run test with deca because he said it gave him too many issues. You could use dbol to raise e2 but it's methylated so you can't measure it but he could still measure his serum igf-1. I'm not so sure how important measuring serum igf-1 is though since it doesn't tell you what's going on at the tissue level

Oh come on, this dude is mental illness incarnated. He starts rambling without even knowing what he's saying. If that's the look of 3gr all year blast low-mid test and high mast gives, then i'd prefer to do a PCT and continue natty.
I like higher test, moderate eq and low ment.
If you don’t have problems with hematocrit, you can run it.
In the last 6 months I’ve put on 40lbs this way. Obviously not all muscle, but it’s a decent amount of weight.
High Test with mast primo EQ to control E2.

GH as much as you can

If you know how you respond and can add one favorable, a 19nor.

Increase cals or dose as you stall, run cycle as long as health metrics allow.