Best cruise stack for libido and well being


New Member
I am on cruise with 150mg of testosterone cypionate and 100mg of masteron enanthate per week. I'm noticing that my joints are bothering a little bit but still mood-wise I'm very good, normal libido let's say. With primobolan would I be better off still at 100mg or do you recommend lowering the masteron to 80mg? Masteron mood is very good i dont want a shit mood with primo. I dont have much pump with masteron at 100mg right now.
If it just a cruise just test, enless ur massive or a old man with best up joints, then test decca.

Why do u have mast in a cruise? Trying to control e2? My mood is a little better on mast aswell but it's not as effective.

I would lower volume while on a cruise try not to drop weights or intensity.

But yes what the guy said above 150 test 75 decca sounds good, If I was massive an wanted to keep as much size as possible probably 250 test 100 decca.

They have a thing cruise on 1 mg test per pound of bodyweight. I've never went off that myself, though it makes sense.
If it's a cruise, 150mg test, 75mg mast and 75mg deca. Covers base, libido and joints and not being detrimental to buo markers
If it just a cruise just test, enless ur massive or a old man with best up joints, then test decca.

Why do u have mast in a cruise? Trying to control e2? My mood is a little better on mast aswell but it's not as effective.

I would lower volume while on a cruise try not to drop weights or intensity.

But yes what the guy said above 150 test 75 decca sounds good, If I was massive an wanted to keep as much size as possible probably 250 test 100 decca.

They have a thing cruise on 1 mg test per pound of bodyweight. I've never went off that myself, though it makes sense.
i have very low mood with test only, mast gives me high libido, assertivness, confidence ecc. and control e2 as well
I’ve been on TRT for 15 years so my cruise is a bit higher than most but I get great results of 250mg test and 200 primo. Why does primo give you a shit mood? Crashes your e2?
I’ve been on TRT for 15 years so my cruise is a bit higher than most but I get great results of 250mg test and 200 primo. Why does primo give you a shit mood? Crashes your e2?
Never tried primo, but people said that masteron is better for libido and overall mood, idk
How do you feel on primo compared with test alone?
I've cruised with test/eq and test/masteron and now test/primo.

Test/primo gives me the best look/gains but the WORST libido, so that's not what you want to go for. Test/EQ was OK, but test alone or test/mast gave me the best libido. Try adding in deca to the mix, it will help a lot. Or else 25mg proviron per day.

If you want to keep it simple, up your test to 200-250mg and keep mast 100mg.
Test, and HCG to provide all the neurotransmitters that exogenous Test down-regulates.

Manage Estrogen with either low-dose Mast or Primo - wherein your individual response will vary.

Proviron if ya want a little extra without the body stress.

Low dose Dbol (5mg/d) if you want a lil boost in feel-good.

Daily cialis and Citrulline Malate.

HGH 2IU daily.

If you're an old man with creeky joints still, consider low-dose Deca

^Above are all your core options, though imo keep it simple as possible. Test, HCG, something to manage E, and HGH if you can afford it
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50mg Proviron ED, I guess 25mg is lower, but I never felt much on 25mg, 50mg is highly noticeable however.
Every 3 days, 10mg Cialis as well.

Im a fan of Proviron.
I've cruised with test/eq and test/masteron and now test/primo.

Test/primo gives me the best look/gains but the WORST libido, so that's not what you want to go for. Test/EQ was OK, but test alone or test/mast gave me the best libido. Try adding in deca to the mix, it will help a lot. Or else 25mg proviron per day.

If you want to keep it simple, up your test to 200-250mg and keep mast 100mg.
Today lowered mast from 100mg week to 80mg week, lets see
I am on cruise with 150mg of testosterone cypionate and 100mg of masteron enanthate per week. I'm noticing that my joints are bothering a little bit but still mood-wise I'm very good, normal libido let's say. With primobolan would I be better off still at 100mg or do you recommend lowering the masteron to 80mg? Masteron mood is very good i dont want a shit mood with primo. I dont have much pump with masteron at 100mg right now.
Primo E 150 mg PW
Test E 300 mg PW
Anavar 10mg PD

You can split it how you want but injections should be twice a week and Anavar should be twice a day 12 hours apart.

The primo makes this abit expensive but way better than mast
Primo E 150 mg PW
Test E 300 mg PW
Anavar 10mg PD

You can split it how you want but injections should be twice a week and Anavar should be twice a day 12 hours apart.

The primo makes this abit expensive but way better than mast
Aside from improved pumps during your workout, do you notice anything from the 10mg of var? I’ve never ran it less than 40, but if you’re noticing something off 10, I might add it to my trt regemine
Aside from improved pumps during your workout, do you notice anything from the 10mg of var? I’ve never ran it less than 40, but if you’re noticing something off 10, I might add it to my trt regemine
Yeah kind of tbh I got a new job and that's my exact cruise

But before the new job I was doing mast and proviron

Low dose Anavar in place of proviron mainly using it to have a solid workout and reduce shbg