Best Hcg dose for “aesthetics”


Gonna cruise for a few months after my blast. Likely for 3 ish months. I’ll have a better idea when I decide I want to come off the cruise (but first want to see how I feel on it and how I do health wise) Would 250 rHCG EoD be enough to increase my testicle size? I mainly care about making them bigger and restoring some natural production (blast is ~15w and started mid April) rather than fertility (I have frozen sperm back when I was natty). I intend to blast again but want to try and put it off for health reasons while not losing too many gains (but I’m aware I’ll lose them gradually with each passing natty month)

I may also ponder cruising longer term and then acquiring more rHcg to enable that. Does rHCG or uHCG eventually stop working (as I’ve heard before)? Would I be able to cycle on and off hCG while cruising on a base dose of test?

To clarify title, I’m mainly interested in preventing a shriveled appearance of testes.
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How old are you? What dose(s) and gear are you using on your "blast"?

More detailed the info, the more detailed members are able to answer and thereby help you. :)
Now about that "I want to increase my testes size & make them bigger"; from what I heard from your girls best friends brother, is that nuttin will ever make YOUR nuts bigger bro.
If your girl has problem with that you send her here and we will straighten her out for you.
None of us taking this shit this long have nuts any longer. Just part of life, she will understand.

If she doesn't believe you, we can all send her pics to prove it if you ask nicely.
I currently do 500-1000iu a week, been on quite a few years now. I don't think it stops working. My nuts never shriveled up.
Gonna cruise for a few months after my blast. Likely for 3 ish months. I’ll have a better idea when I decide I want to come off the cruise (but first want to see how I feel on it and how I do health wise) Would 250 rHCG EoD be enough to increase my testicle size? I mainly care about making them bigger and restoring some natural production (blast is ~15w and started mid April) rather than fertility (I have frozen sperm back when I was natty). I intend to blast again but want to try and put it off for health reasons while not losing too many gains (but I’m aware I’ll lose them gradually with each passing natty month)

I may also ponder cruising longer term and then acquiring more rHcg to enable that. Does rHCG or uHCG eventually stop working (as I’ve heard before)? Would I be able to cycle on and off hCG while cruising on a base dose of test?

To clarify title, I’m mainly interested in preventing a shriveled appearance of testes.

250 IU eod is the gold standard most endos/trt clinics who know what they're doing would use. It's the dose that brings intratesticular testosterone cca to natty levels.
I’ve never once in 40 years thought about or gave a F about the size of my nads
Fast forward. Honestly I don’t much care about it either. What I do care about though is trying to not entirely lose natty production if possible, so I’ll probably give hcg a go soon