Best OTC pct option for prohormone (I know...)


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10+ Year Member
A friend has asked me to help him with planning his cycle. I've educated him as much as I can on gear, but due to career and housing concerns, he wants to stay with supplements he can obtain legally.

I believe the planned cycle is 4 weeks of superdrol with TUDCA along side it. I did get him to get pregnant cycle bloods and understand how important liver support is.

I really am uneducated on what is available for pct supplements legally. He sent me a link to PCT sanctuary from Primeval labs. Is there anything out there that can be obtained through any regular supplement site, not illegal, that will actually get him to recover correct?

If there really isn't something out there, I can see if nolva/clomid through a research Chem site would be enough of a loophole for him. And yes, this is really for my friend lol I blast and cruise, most of you guys know this. I just want to help him the best I can. He's going to run the prohormone no matter what I say, so I just want to help him recover properly
A friend has asked me to help him with planning his cycle. I've educated him as much as I can on gear, but due to career and housing concerns, he wants to stay with supplements he can obtain legally.

I believe the planned cycle is 4 weeks of superdrol with TUDCA along side it. I did get him to get pregnant cycle bloods and understand how important liver support is.

I really am uneducated on what is available for pct supplements legally. He sent me a link to PCT sanctuary from Primeval labs. Is there anything out there that can be obtained through any regular supplement site, not illegal, that will actually get him to recover correct?

If there really isn't something out there, I can see if nolva/clomid through a research Chem site would be enough of a loophole for him. And yes, this is really for my friend lol I blast and cruise, most of you guys know this. I just want to help him the best I can. He's going to run the prohormone no matter what I say, so I just want to help him recover properly
Superdrol is illegal lol
LOL technically yes, but there's always someone putting out a clone that isn't banned yet.
Not superdrol, superdrol is a class 3 illegal drug just like steroids, because it IS a steroid.
It's basically just methlynated masteron(which changes it a lot)

If he is gunna take a class 3 drug he might as well take a class 5 drug for pct like Nolva/Clomid

But why buy research Chem? It is not any more legal to have it without a prescription, and it is not pharmaceutical grade and in most cases it is STILL more expensive than just buying pharmgrade from a supplier on meso either overseas or domestic.

Now for his trainwreck of a first cycle, you should advise him to come on meso and read for himself the pros/cons of an oral only cycle.
I think he will find that the sides far outweigh the benefits.

Also superdrol DOES aromitize to some degree so he will need an AI on hand either way or risk unwanted E2 sides. (Which also should be a pharmgrade drug)
Yeah, it's all just herbal junk though. He won't even need a pct for that. Just tell him to get creatine. That's about the only legit supplement that will make much of a difference anymore.
Caffeine, creatine, and protein powder are the only OTC supps available. IMO.
Thanks @Sk8man101 you're right. I know he's lurking on here, as I've sent him many links to this site.

I did the same thing when I was younger tho. Wanted to stay "legal" so I took beastdrol or whatever it was with some pct supplement they advertised with that.

Totally agree a regular old test only cycle is far better
Caffeine, creatine, and protein powder are the only OTC supps available. IMO.
Beta alanine works well with creatine. Just go easy at first beta alanine has a weird side effect but you'll get used to it. I actually enjoy it now. Arginine and citrulline work well also for pumps and vasodilation
superdrol DOES aromitize to some degree so he will need an AI on hand either way or risk unwanted E2 sides.

Sdrol doesn't aromatize. There's always a serious mistake on your advice that can seriously hurt someone. You can easily screw someone cycle experience with your stupidity.
Sdrol doesn't aromatize. There's always a serious mistake on your advice that can seriously hurt someone. You can easily screw someone cycle experience with your stupidity.
You either post the most disturbing and misguided "trying to advise and help" posts or you attack other members for bad and hurtful advice (according to you). How about you just shut the fuck up and read? You have ZERO friends here except your other handles.

Who cares if sdrol doesn't aromatize? Having a damn AI on hand regardless wouldn't hurt a soul. Just shut the fuck up please. So worthless..