Hi Everybody!


New Member
Hi Everybody! I’m D. I hope everybody’s doing great tonight. Of course, this is life, so I know some of you definitely aren’t doing great. But I believe that every community — and the rag-tag members of a grey market steroid/peptide group are still a community— have a special ability to bind together and give protection and send the healing impulses of wholeness, oneness, and unity, to those of us in the group that are hurting, are tied, are sad. Come together as many and think as one, and you will find strength and healing.

OK, sorry ‘bout that, lots of drugs lately and I can’t tell whether they flipped the “enlightenment” switch to ON, or the on they says “grounded rationality” to OFF. Time will tell. Anyway, I’m a bit different than most here — now this is an assumption, and I’d like to see if I’m wrong —that I don’t make physical fitness the cornerstone of my day. Although frankly, friends, I wish I did. It’s just a struggle, a real struggle for me. I do supplement with hormones., but the primary purpose for me is cutting out some of the hassle and red tape and time and money for managing my testosterone deficiency diagnosis with those fine Chinese oils

But of course, as always happens to me, I come to a place because the jokes are funny, but I end up staying because the girls look soooooo goddamn good. You know what I’m sayin’?

Now, see, I was one of the children, and we all know who we are, forced to walk through our days with everyone from multinational corporations to our own parents slurring us with a word so vile, they might as well have just called me ni**er: I mean, not quite, but this hurt: “husky”. I was a “husky” child. I wore “husky” pants. I remember the afternoons I spent praying, praying to any god in the sky who would listen: please don’t put me on the skins team in phys. Ed, class. Of course, that’s exactly where I ended up. Cursing God in the dirt-brown baseball diamond. The stares I got when I removed my shirt, as if I had suddenly revealed a rippling black swatstika dancing across my torso, black hatred and disgust, how could you let yourself sinks so low?. Were the Devil Dogs I wolfed down sans milk in the bathroom stall the chicken or the egg? I learned it really didn’t matter.

Anyway, wow yeah so I was overjoyed when I discovered that I could get Wegovy from China , arguably with the same potency and purity, at fraction of the price I would pay from the pharmacy . Yeah, at first I went with a US domestic vendor whose name I shall not speak — great, professional sterile operation the guys got, I mean It’s fantastic, but maaaaaan but with those prices, like, you must really enjoy being a rapist, huh?
But it happens to the best of us I guess, it’s that rite of initiation, a few just plain old ripoff scams, trying to buy shit off of Reddit, then you find a legit vendor, but you’re paying an arm and a leg, somewhere along the line, probably your first year maybe a little bit later if you’re lucky, your first exit scam, then somewhere along the line you settle into a relationship with a great vendor with bang up prices and powerful product and you look at the suckers over in the states 15 or 20 times as much the same thing and you think yourself “life is good”.

anyway, that’s where I’m at now and have 1 million other form as I’m dipping my dick into and probably wouldn’t even bother posting here but really connected with a vendor, and he still news. I’m trying to be careful but did such a bang up job motivated, holy altruistically, to give him an awesome review in the underground, but I don’t think I can post there yet. So hopefully this will help me with that, and if any of you fuckin’ bastards read this far, you’re sicker than I am.

- Remember, You’re never lost as long as you walking towards the light
- E pluribus unum