Best thing to cycle for Fat loss?


New Member
Hey, I'm searching for something I could use that can help me get around 8% bf (currently 13% tested) I'm currently 20 and my natural testosterone has helped me build a great body since 17, if there's an alternative to test I could use to reach my goal I would appreciate the advice cheers.

Extra: I have job offer for an acting gig and being slightly more ripped could be the deal breaker.
Total body workouts dude.. Three days a week.. You'll be shocked at how much fat you cut.. It's a science behind the total bodies if you look into it, helps produce natural HGH, I've read. It was explained to me that: you see people in the gym running on treadmills they're only burn fat when they're on those treadmills as soon as I step off they're not burning fat anymore they go home sit on the couch ate a bag of chips or some shit and all that running they done previously was for nothing you do a total body workout after you leave the gym and go home and sit down the couch your body still burning fat for like two hours.. Something similar to that I can't remember but someone more knowledgeable on here will let us know.. My bf% was so low I was worried about catabolizing my muscle.. I switched to split routines ed.. But it makes sense if you think about it.. Hit your whole body 3 times in a week instead of 1 time in a whole week..

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Total body workouts dude.. Three days a week.. You'll be shocked at how much fat you cut.. It's a science behind the total bodies if you look into it, helps produce natural HGH, I've read. It was explained to me that: you see people in the gym running on treadmills they're only burn fat when they're on those treadmills as soon as I step off they're not burning fat anymore they go home sit on the couch ate a bag of chips or some shit and all that running they done previously was for nothing you do a total body workout after you leave the gym and go home and sit down the couch your body still burning fat for like two hours.. Something similar to that I can't remember but someone more knowledgeable on here will let us know.. My bf% was so low I was worried about catabolizing my muscle.. I switched to split routines ed.. But it makes sense if you think about it.. Hit your whole body 3 times in a week instead of 1 time in a whole week..

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Yeah I heard similar about that routine being better over 5 day split, If I was to go for runs on an empty stomach every morning (20-30mins) to burn fat would that be ideal with the 3 day split you think?
Get on a diet. At your age I was never above 10%
You think my calories might be too high? my current diet is around 1700cal per day my stats 170cm around 67kg my bf might actually be lower than 13% actually I can see my top 2 abs pretty defined just not the lower ones cheers,
Yeah I heard similar about that routine being better over 5 day split, If I was to go for runs on an empty stomach every morning (20-30mins) to burn fat would that be ideal with the 3 day split you think?
I'm sure it wouldn't hurt, cardio is always good depending on body you want, but you start the total bodies man it's gonna be pretty fuckin dramatic.. It's kinda easy too but by the end of a total body you'll be feeling it. I choose what i wanna particularly focus on to do first, usually start with legs, say Monday: 4sets 12 reps with enough weight to fail and need assist during last set. Then go to chest, say flat barbell same deal 4 sets of 12, etc shoulders, back, bi's tri's. I superset my chest and back. Rest Tuesday, wed same thing except leg extensions, incline dumbbell flies, just different group each time, keep your muscles shocked

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You think my calories might be too high? my current diet is around 1700cal per day my stats 170cm around 67kg my bf might actually be lower than 13% actually I can see my top 2 abs pretty defined just not the lower ones cheers,

Too low imo. Just eat clean and train right and you're good
Hey, I'm searching for something I could use that can help me get around 8% bf (currently 13% tested) I'm currently 20 and my natural testosterone has helped me build a great body since 17, if there's an alternative to test I could use to reach my goal I would appreciate the advice cheers.

Extra: I have job offer for an acting gig and being slightly more ripped could be the deal breaker.