Best way to get bloods done AUSTRALIA


New Member
Hey guys, to all my Australians.. How and where do you guys get your bloods done. I get mine at roidsafe they are very good with prices when you compare with making one yourself. Is there a cheaper or better way to get them done?
Hey guys, to all my Australians.. How and where do you guys get your bloods done. I get mine at roidsafe they are very good with prices when you compare with making one yourself. Is there a cheaper or better way to get them done?
yes there is and its fucking awesome soooo much cheaper. i was mad i paid so many times a imedical, fucking rip off

you get 4 tests for the price of one at

some dude on reddit told me about them
yes there is and its fucking awesome soooo much cheaper. i was mad i paid so many times a imedical, fucking rip off

you get 4 tests for the price of one at

some dude on reddit told me about them
Yea sweet bro I’ll stick to roidsafe then
yes there is and its fucking awesome soooo much cheaper. i was mad i paid so many times a imedical, fucking rip off

you get 4 tests for the price of one at

some dude on reddit told me about them
Did the muppet on Reddit also mention that the testing via is visible to every man and his dog ? Thats why those of us that are serious go through Imedical , total anonymity .
Yea sweet bro I’ll stick to roidsafe then
If you are fine with medicare and your health insurance provider being able to see your results then go with roidsafe . If you would rather not risk getting knocked back on a health insurance claim later in life then go with imedical.
this is on their website. seems confidential?

Just like your GP, we use approved Patient Medical Record (PMR) software. Ours is called MediRecords. Our website uses industry standard encryption including SSL to protect the information you share with us.

can your GP access your records?
Absolutely not. No GP can access your pathology results provided through Roidsafe testing without your consent.
They say that but it is BS.
I was at my GP getting BP checked (was very high). She pulled up my results and had a look, went back, looked at me and said 'are you taking testosterone?'. WTF? My fricken roidsafe results were showing on her reports.

So embarrassing, she looks at me as a liar now. Been with her 15 years.

Yep. They are cheap due to them charging Medicare for all the testing. Imedical pays it all themselves so assume this makes it more expensive. Off to find a new Dr now. FFS
They say that but it is BS.
I was at my GP getting BP checked (was very high). She pulled up my results and had a look, went back, looked at me and said 'are you taking testosterone?'. WTF? My fricken roidsafe results were showing on her reports.

So embarrassing, she looks at me as a liar now. Been with her 15 years.

Yep. They are cheap due to them charging Medicare for all the testing. Imedical pays it all themselves so assume this makes it more expensive. Off to find a new Dr now. FFS
this is concerning ill msg roidsafe and ask
Yep, be interested in what smoke and mirrors they come up with. Since doing there have been quite a few posts on other forums saying same thing.
I go to a GP and tell the GP the things I want tested, obtain a pathology referral, get the blood test done, go to the GP for results. All bulk billed.

am I missing something? Why are you guys paying when you can simply ask your GP??
I go to a GP and tell the GP the things I want tested, obtain a pathology referral, get the blood test done, go to the GP for results. All bulk billed.

am I missing something? Why are you guys paying when you can simply ask your GP??
Because pathology tests ordered via your GP can be seen on your health record so if in years to come you need to make a claim on health insurance and they decide to look into your history ( and they will ) they will use any info not to pay for your claim.
Also may impact options later on. Pulls up your records and sees you are/were a steroid head never helps the situation

And generally they won't just give you whatever you want. Drs love being told what to do. They will only give you what they reckon should be done. Some blokes have drs that will anyway but most wont.
I bet they never responded did they. They keep that on the downlow
they actually responded with a pretty lengthy response. sorry its been a while but ill try find email. also I think you nee to opt out on MyGov if you don't want every health record shared with every doc u see. kinda bullshit you need to opt out and its not default. but we have some of the best free healthcare in the world. can't be to mad I suppose.

response to me email.

Health professionals should only be looking at the information they've requested. They shouldn't be accessing anything else. They must have your consent to access your information, if you haven't given them explicit consent you should raise this concern with them, or report them. They've effectively broken the law if they've accessed your information without consent.
What a crock. So they supply the results and then try and blame then for 'looking' lol

Nothing to so with mygov opt out.

That roidsafejames is so far out of his league he has no clue and is lying. The results are printed on the GP results that they order as well. Cant blame the GP or mygov. Its roidsafe.