Best way to train for endurance


Well-known Member
Hey fellas I’ve been off all gear for 2 years as trying to have a baby. Now that my sperms back to normal and the craziness of life has come down I am applying for a promotion to join a different team in my profession. My current state of cardio is very poor as I hardly did any when seriously bodybuilding and now being off for so long I have gained some unwanted fat and lost a lot of cardio.

Currently on 2.5mg nebivolol and 5mg Ramipril but it doesn’t seem to affect my hr that much when doing cardio.

Issue I’m having here is I can walk on an incline of 10 at a speed of 3.5 for an hour straight and be fine hovering around 145bpm. However for this promotion I have to achieve a level 7 on a 20m shuttle run as part of one of the fitness tests. I currently am only able to reach stage 3 which is a complete embarassment. You runners and cardio junkies alike think hiit is the best training for this to achieve better endurance to reach the higher level. I’m also starting Cardarine to give myself a boost and some motivation to get going.
Hey fellas I’ve been off all gear for 2 years as trying to have a baby. Now that my sperms back to normal and the craziness of life has come down I am applying for a promotion to join a different team in my profession. My current state of cardio is very poor as I hardly did any when seriously bodybuilding and now being off for so long I have gained some unwanted fat and lost a lot of cardio.

Currently on 2.5mg nebivolol and 5mg Ramipril but it doesn’t seem to affect my hr that much when doing cardio.

Issue I’m having here is I can walk on an incline of 10 at a speed of 3.5 for an hour straight and be fine hovering around 145bpm. However for this promotion I have to achieve a level 7 on a 20m shuttle run as part of one of the fitness tests. I currently am only able to reach stage 3 which is a complete embarassment. You runners and cardio junkies alike think hiit is the best training for this to achieve better endurance to reach the higher level. I’m also starting Cardarine to give myself a boost and some motivation to get going.
If you need to pass that shuttle run you got to get specific ,walking is great for general health but it won't be much use in your test.Mimic test start slow then ramp up intensity until you can hit your goal as for how often etc hopefully an expert can chime in.
Ugh. I don't miss that test at all. I had to do it once a year in the military. I almost failed it a few times. Mongo don't run too good. I wish I had advice to give but I don't. All I can offer is my sympathy lol
I'd love to see this discussed more. I'm trying to become a Cardio King, though really have little idea about optimal training programs. I've got a decent grasp of bodybuilding literature, but Cardiovascular health and performance eludes me.

How much Zone 2 per week? How much HIIT? What metrics should I be tracking (e.g. METs, Watts, etc.)? How do I program it? Am I better to do 2x 45 min cardio sessions daily, or one 90min session? What adjustments should I make to my diet? What gear protocols are most conducive? Etc. Etc.

Really don't know where to start. Atm just trying to get about 4hrs of varied Zone 2 work in (around 130-140bpm) a week, and 2 HIIT sessions.
I am in a similar boat. I have made some good progress with cardio training mainly by just having fun. It was very informal. But now I'm spending time learning about training and a more systematic approach to progress.
I am in a similar boat. I have made some good progress with cardio training mainly by just having fun. It was very informal. But now I'm spending time learning about training and a more systematic approach to progress.
Crazy how our body reacts to different types of excercise. I’m actually going for a test at the hospital soon that’s like a stress test but will check what gives out first during strenuous cardio. Lungs heart or muscles
Crazy how our body reacts to different types of excercise. I’m actually going for a test at the hospital soon that’s like a stress test but will check what gives out first during strenuous cardio. Lungs heart or muscles

That seems like a super cool test.

How did your goal in the original post go? Make it to level 7?
That seems like a super cool test.

How did your goal in the original post go? Make it to level 7?
I wasn’t able to complete it actually. Maybe I needed alot more time than I thought. I do have other tests like 65lbs of weight added via vest and shoulder weights and walk unassisted on a stairclimber at 60 steps/min for 3 mins and a couple 200lb dummy drags coming up
My best advice for raising V02 max and just cardio In general. Miles per week. Start slow. 10-11 minute miles 2-3 miles at a time until your lungs adapt. The more miles per week, the better.