Better experiences/events provided by steroid use

my wife and I were separated for 2 years. I went on cycle for 1st time because I was just curious to what it would do. I wouldnt say 500mg of test saved my marriage, but it made me so much more motivated and I came off happier, my wife thought I was so much more positive and generally easy going. It helped to smooth out some rough spots and get over the hump while trying to reconcile. I have been off cycle now since january, we dissolved our divorce in February. Been happily married since.
kind of vague. care to be more specific?
Yeah. Another thing it's hard to tie some events to it and it's hard to say what role if any steroids played or not.

I guess what we can confirm is that they gave us more confidence and drive. So they might have influenced some of our actions that led to some specific events that otherwise wouldn't happened.

P.S. damn it's sometimes challenging for me to put sentence like this together in English without sounding stupid lol.
Just imagine a scenario where you went out to buy edibles to calm you down because tren is making you rage, then because you have 10$ change and the teller is taking her sweet time to hand it to you so you decide to buy a lottery ticket with it instead and booom, you win the 50 million jackpot!

You will have the most awesome roid rage story ever! You will be guest speaking in university symposium to discuss the benefits of steroids induced outbursts lmao.
Yeah. Another thing it's hard to tie some events to it and it's hard to say what role if any steroids played or not.

I guess what we can confirm is that they gave us more confidence and drive. So they might have influenced some of our actions that led to some specific events that otherwise wouldn't happened.

P.S. damn it's sometimes challenging for me to put sentence like this together in English without sounding stupid lol.
I did not even realize you were not fluent in English. You do a very good job typing in English. Do not worry about it.
Yeah. Another thing it's hard to tie some events to it and it's hard to say what role if any steroids played or not.

I guess what we can confirm is that they gave us more confidence and drive. So they might have influenced some of our actions that led to some specific events that otherwise wouldn't happened.

P.S. damn it's sometimes challenging for me to put sentence like this together in English without sounding stupid lol.
yeah i never would have guessed english is your second language.
I did not even realize you were not fluent in English. You do a very good job typing in English. Do not worry about it.

yeah i never would have guessed english is your second language.
Thanks a lot guys, Meso is not only good for gains in muscle size and knowledge. But also to learn English better, it's also important to mention I learn a lot from you guys because we talk a lot. Each language is unique and very interesting to learn, but it takes many years to master it just like building a good physique.
Thanks a lot guys, Meso is not only good for gains in muscle size and knowledge. But also to learn English better, it's also important to mention I learn a lot from you guys because we talk a lot. Each language is unique and very interesting to learn, but it takes many years to master it just like building a good physique.
I've tried to learn a couple of other languages and failed.

I've tried to learn a couple of other languages and failed.

It's very tough and discouraging at first. But really a bit by bit you progress, every tiny piece of the puzzle counts.

I guess the best way to learn is to take courses, communication is superior to other forms of learning. When you learn the basics then moving on to listening audio and watching movies is great.

I guess learning English is easier to compared to other languages due to it being a global language. It is everywhere, I see it daily, I hear it daily, I read stuff in English daily. I even write myself reminders and log food in English. I chat with some of my friends in English. I only watch movies in English and so on. It is the default language.

I think it all comes down how important it is to you, if it's just to be able to speak to some person then learning the basics is enough.
I guess learning English is easier to compared to other languages due to it being a global language. It is everywhere, I see it daily, I hear it daily, I read stuff in English daily. I even write myself reminders and log food in English. I chat with some of my friends in English. I only watch movies in English and so on. It is the default language.
I actually lived a couple of years in Germany without becoming fluent in German because everything was so easy in English. German women I dated would react with rolled eyes and say, "Just speak English." It seems everybody spoke it. As soon as I would start bumbling along in my pitiful German, they would smile and break out in English. (If I started with English, though, Germans would react like they spoke no English. I guess it was the effort that mattered). Holland was even easier to be an English speaker. I swear the Dutch speak better English than the English and Americans. England? I could not understand anybody.

Which country are you that you see and hear and read English daily?