Better to ask,,


New Member
Hi fellas.
Just done my first week of pct after a 12 week test e cycle @600mg ew. Started pct a bit over 3 weeks from last pin.

First week i have used
Clomid 40mg ED
Nolvadex 40mg ed

Had some suggestions of
40/40/20/20 Nolva
50/50/50/50 clomid

Others say clomid will fuck up libido etc, and i should use Nolva alone. Thoughts?
In my opinion, Clomid is a not so nice drug that I'd never touch again. Can cause issues with short term memory and vision too. I'd stick to nolva and hcg
In my opinion, Clomid is a not so nice drug that I'd never touch again. Can cause issues with short term memory and vision too. I'd stick to nolva and hcg
Agreed. He didn't mention using hcg so I assumed he wasn't.