BG pharmaceutical drugs

Testing multiple tablets per product should have become the standard years ago as mistakes in production can lead to a potentially harmful amount of variance.

While labs can easily manipulate you by publishing only the good lab reports they get for a product when testing singular samples of it (hopefully you get what I mean, it's difficult to phrase this clearly), hiding bad apples becomes far more difficult once you force them to have three or more samples tested & displayed per report as this will likely expose any variance present in their batch (for the flat cat earthers among us: No, you don't get to pick and choose which of the tested tablets to put on the lab report, it'll be all of them).

Agree entirely & i’ve argued the same in the past. The result of a test on a single tab isn’t worth wiping your arse on. In a well regulated economy (eg EU/UK), both pharma & supps manufacturers would be required to test 10-15 samples for weight / content uniformity. To be fair, expecting a UGL or reseller to do the same is a bit silly, but having QA / QC experience myself, I think 3 is an acceptable number (although the variance here is so wide that just 2 was enough - these are exceptionally poor results though).

@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals in all sincerity - props in how you handled this one. You were accountable and fair and that translates through BG to the buyers.

Personally I think @BG pharmaceuticals alone deserved all the credit here for testing the tablets in the first place. DingDoxx couldn’t really try & take another “fuck you ... p502” stance here as it would probably have been one “fuck you” too many to recover from.

I do get where you’re coming from here though mate, to be fair. I just don’t think getting QSC to the point where they start accepting responsibility & meeting the bare minimum standards of Meso source behaviour is an anything to celebrate, more pause for reflection of how badly things had become before this apparent turn-around in attitude & behaviour by them.
Let's assume QSC is telling the truth here...

They were still selling the orals knowing full well they had a thieving crook making them and that the doses were likely all over the place and definitely underdosed.

It took someone else to catch them out (BGs testing) before they admitted the problem.

Has anyone checked QSCs latest price list as of yesterday? Were the orals still there, and were they misadvertised? Will they be contacting everyone who brought the underdosed orals and giving them a partial refund?

Definitely nothing to be patting QSC on the back for imo. And their excuse doesn't account for the dbol dosing.
Agree entirely & i’ve argued the same in the past. The result of a test on a single tab isn’t worth wiping your arse on. In a well regulated economy (eg EU/UK), both pharma & supps manufacturers would be required to test 10-15 samples for weight / content uniformity. To be fair, expecting a UGL or reseller to do the same is a bit silly, but having QA / QC experience myself, I think 3 is an acceptable number (although the variance here is so wide that just 2 was enough - these are exceptionally poor results though).

Personally I think @BG pharmaceuticals alone deserved all the credit here for testing the tablets in the first place. DingDoxx couldn’t really try & take another “fuck you ... p502” stance here as it would probably have been one “fuck you” too many to recover from.

I do get where you’re coming from here though mate, to be fair. I just don’t think getting QSC to the point where they start accepting responsibility & meeting the bare minimum standards of Meso source behaviour is an anything to celebrate, more pause for reflection of how badly things had become before this apparent turn-around in attitude & behaviour by them.
Also good points yeah @BG pharmaceuticals came through in the clutch. This is bad news for anyone who bought their oral tablets
Let's assume QSC is telling the truth here...

They were still selling the orals knowing full well they had a thieving crook making them and that the doses were likely all over the place and definitely underdosed.

It took someone else to catch them out (BGs testing) before they admitted the problem.

Has anyone checked QSCs latest price list as of yesterday? Were the orals still there, and were they misadvertised? Will they be contacting everyone who brought the underdosed orals and giving them a partial refund?

Definitely nothing to be patting QSC on the back for imo. And their excuse doesn't account for the dbol dosing.
And to think, QSC completely shut down @L0ND0N testing which showed poor results as well. Pisses me off morons still buy from that piece of garbage.
They are so underdosed someone "stole their raws"? That's their excuse? As if that makes it better somehow. LOL. Talk about accountability. We all know what would have happened if it was someone other than BG ordering from them.

It's a pretty amusing excuse the more I think about it. Avoiding full accountability and passing the buck all in one.
Damn, that Bayer proviron is already gone.

Any eta on stock?
It's actually not out of stock, I have 7 boxes. There are people who make an order and choose bank transfer but then end up not paying for the order. The system removes that stock anyway from the site. So please don't make an order if you are not planning to make the payment for it.
It's actually not out of stock, I have 7 boxes. There are people who make an order and choose bank transfer but then end up not paying for the order. The system removes that stock anyway from the site. So please don't make an order if you are not planning to make the payment for it.
Is the menopur in stock?