Testing multiple tablets per product should have become the standard years ago as mistakes in production can lead to a potentially harmful amount of variance.
While labs can easily manipulate you by publishing only the good lab reports they get for a product when testing singular samples of it (hopefully you get what I mean, it's difficult to phrase this clearly), hiding bad apples becomes far more difficult once you force them to have three or more samples tested & displayed per report as this will likely expose any variance present in their batch (for the flat cat earthers among us: No, you don't get to pick and choose which of the tested tablets to put on the lab report, it'll be all of them).
Agree entirely & i’ve argued the same in the past. The result of a test on a single tab isn’t worth wiping your arse on. In a well regulated economy (eg EU/UK), both pharma & supps manufacturers would be required to test 10-15 samples for weight / content uniformity. To be fair, expecting a UGL or reseller to do the same is a bit silly, but having QA / QC experience myself, I think 3 is an acceptable number (although the variance here is so wide that just 2 was enough - these are exceptionally poor results though).
@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals in all sincerity - props in how you handled this one. You were accountable and fair and that translates through BG to the buyers.
Personally I think @BG pharmaceuticals alone deserved all the credit here for testing the tablets in the first place. DingDoxx couldn’t really try & take another “fuck you ... p502” stance here as it would probably have been one “fuck you” too many to recover from.
I do get where you’re coming from here though mate, to be fair. I just don’t think getting QSC to the point where they start accepting responsibility & meeting the bare minimum standards of Meso source behaviour is an anything to celebrate, more pause for reflection of how badly things had become before this apparent turn-around in attitude & behaviour by them.