Biden administration expanding the IRS


Joe Biden and the democrat party have decided to make the IRS larger than the British military.

They're going to arm them, train them, and turn them loose upon the American people who disagree with the policies of the democrat party.

The fleecing of America is about to get much more intense and specific.

The democrat party has already weaponized the FBI and corporate media in order to keep themselves in power.

Now, they're weaponizing the IRS. Just like thier God King Barak Obama did to cripple his critics.

These are the heroes of a few idiots here like @NorthMich @malfeasance and @Big_paul

Expanding government in order to "protect" people.

As the police state grows, liberty erodes, the idiots Cheer.

God help us

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Freedom is already becoming visible only on paper, in reality it does not exist. We are oppressed and pressured from all sides.
Joe Biden and the democrat party have decided to make the IRS larger than the British military.

They're going to arm them, train them, and turn them loose upon the American people who disagree with the policies of the democrat party.

The fleecing of America is about to get much more intense and specific.

The democrat party has already weaponized the FBI and corporate media in order to keep themselves in power.

Now, they're weaponizing the IRS. Just like thier God King Barak Obama did to cripple his critics.

These are the heroes of a few idiots here like @NorthMich @malfeasance and @Big_paul

Expanding government in order to "protect" people.

As the police state grows, liberty erodes, the idiots Cheer.

God help us

Lol you can have this conversation with yourself. Enjoy.
All part of the “inflation reduction” that for sure will happen with all that spending. And wait when all the middle income people realize they will be paying more in taxes and will be audited yearly. Let the shit storm continue!
Joe Biden and the democrat party have decided to make the IRS larger than the British military.
Joe Biden and the democrat party have decided to make the IRS larger than the British military.

They're going to arm them, train them, and turn them loose upon the American people who disagree with the policies of the democrat party.

The fleecing of America is about to get much more intense and specific.

The democrat party has already weaponized the FBI and corporate media in order to keep themselves in power.

Now, they're weaponizing the IRS. Just like thier God King Barak Obama did to cripple his critics.

These are the heroes of a few idiots here like @NorthMich @malfeasance and @Big_paul

Expanding government in order to "protect" people.

As the police state grows, liberty erodes, the idiots Cheer.
This isn’t anything of particular note though, although it may come across as such to the ill informed.
Joe Biden and the democrat party have decided to make the IRS larger than the British military.

They're going to arm them, train them, and turn them loose upon the American people who disagree with the policies of the democrat party.

The fleecing of America is about to get much more intense and specific.

The democrat party has already weaponized the FBI and corporate media in order to keep themselves in power.

Now, they're weaponizing the IRS. Just like thier God King Barak Obama did to cripple his critics.

These are the heroes of a few idiots here like @NorthMich @malfeasance and @Big_paul

Expanding government in order to "protect" people.

As the police state grows, liberty erodes, the idiots Cheer.

God help us

This isn’t even half as noteworthy as it might come across, particularly to Americans with little knowledge of British society.

Reason being is that aside from the single exception of the Royal Navy until the immediate WW2 period, Britain has always deliberately maintained a rather small peacetime military, despite being an imperial superpower for centuries (again, until post WW2).

The peacetime British Army has always been tiny in comparison to Britain’s population & deliberately so, because of the English experience under the dictatorship of Oliver Cromwell, who had the support of the huge “new model army” & thus couldn’t be kicked off his effective “throne”. As a solution to this, Britain developed the largest & most powerful navy in the world, killing two birds with one stone - no country could ever invade the British Isles, & unlike an army, a navy cannot be used to overthrow a democratic government or used against the British people. Win / Win.

This philosophy is what the song “Rule Britannia” is about, Britain ruling the waves as a way of defending British sovereignty & Parliamentary democracy.

This is also why, unlike in the US, no one in Britain ever worries about a coup by, or with the support of the British military.

This is also the reason why Britain maintains a constitutional monarchy .... but that’s another story.
Great forum to come to when I need to laugh at dumbass conspiracy nutjobs…
To be fair, he’s one of the least nuttiest conspiracy theory advocates on Meso, ie isn’t obsessed by the idea of a secret cabal (that consists of every Jew in the world) plotting to destroy “the white race” etc.

The problem with Hugh is he’s a partisan fanatic & a broken record.

Why anyone would join BB’ing forums to pretty much only ever post about politics is beyond me though.
There are plenty of things in this world that were labeled "conspiracy theories," that actually came out to be true later on. If you actually do your due diligence with things being claimed today, there are many "conspiracy theories" that are more sound and have more evidence to support them than official narratives, especially ones being parroted by special interest groups, governments, the MSM, Big Tech, and the billionaire class.

It is also funny that in politics, the Left will say there are right-wing conspiracies, corruption and so on (so they do believe in conspiracy theories, while claiming they reject conspiracy theories), and the Right will do the same exact thing from their side; both are failing to see they are all being lied to by the same people at the top.

The fact many of you think it's crazy, with some of you who go as far as thinking its immoral to think outside the box, have a hard time refuting things being claimed. The only that should matter is whether something is true or not, regardless which group gets offended, or who doesn't like what is being said.

So for those of you who claim to know that someone is just crazy or wrong, without ever refuting them, or being offended by something because of your race, gender, religion, or tribal identity, I ask you: which laws of physics make the "conspiracy theory" in question impossible? Unless it violates the laws of known physics, the answer is, None. Therefore, many of you simply talk shit and reject things based on your own biases and emotions, and have no right to call anyone wrong or crazy, when you can't even prove your own position to begin with.
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All part of the “inflation reduction” that for sure will happen with all that spending. And wait when all the middle income people realize they will be paying more in taxes and will be audited yearly. Let the shit storm continue!
I am sure that the whole story with high costs with the fact that there will be more poor people is just beginning, I predict in 1-2 years there will be a peak when the effect will be fully achieved from Biden's policy.
Very good question, what do you think why in your opinion?
It exists because the government wanted a way to enforce their theft of the American people. If you don't agree with the taxes you are forced to pay, you get locked in a cage. Before the IRS and the income tax, our limited government was funded by tariffs and sales taxes.
It exists because the government wanted a way to enforce their theft of the American people. If you don't agree with the taxes you are forced to pay, you get locked in a cage. Before the IRS and the income tax, our limited government was funded by tariffs and sales taxes.
Every year the taxes are greater and greater, and the middle and lower classes are getting closer and closer to poverty.
To be fair, he’s one of the least nuttiest conspiracy theory advocates on Meso, ie isn’t obsessed by the idea of a secret cabal (that consists of every Jew in the world) plotting to destroy “the white race” etc.

The problem with Hugh is he’s a partisan fanatic & a broken record.

Why anyone would join BB’ing forums to pretty much only ever post about politics is beyond me though.

Fair enough. But I am not a partisan in the sense that I have no love or loyalty to the GOP.

I'm merely 1000% anti democrat party.

And not anti leftward political views either.

Just anti democrat party
Very good question, what do you think why in your opinion?

Considering the Fed issues the money and the government distributes it from the top down and the IRS primarily taxes the middle class, I'd say the job of the IRS is to regulate consumption by the middle and lower classes.

The IRS works with the government and Fed to keep consumption in line with the rationing of resources and the printing of money.

It's easy enough to see if you think about it.

And the democrat party expanding the IRS is simply to make the middle class poorer, the lower class more dependant and the upper class (thier donors and puppet masters) more secure and established.

In short the DNC expanded the IRS to make sure these billions of dollars they've spent and laundered and can't keep track of, don't wind up making any American millionaires who might not agree with thier political control and direction.

So they're doubling the size of the IRS to crackdown on working class Americans who're trying to move up the socioeconomic ladder.
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