Biden administration expanding the IRS

Considering the Fed issues the money and the government distributes it from the top down and the IRS primarily taxes the middle class, I'd say the job of the IRS is to regulate consumption by the middle and lower classes.

The IRS works with the government and Fed to keep consumption in line with the rationing of resources and the printing of money.

It's easy enough to see if you think about it.

And the democrat party expanding the IRS is simply to make the middle class poorer, the lower class more dependant and the upper class (thier donors and puppet masters) more secure and established.

In short the DNC expanded the IRS to make sure these billions of dollars they've spent and laundered and can't keep track of, don't wind up making any American millionaires who might not agree with thier political control and direction.

So they're doubling the size of the IRS to crackdown on working class Americans who're trying to move up the socioeconomic ladder.
In general, this is all clear and you are right. But from such reality to people, ordinary people do not get better. Their spending is more and more, and their income is less less.