big issue

Should I continue to use AAs because i already did all the perma damage possible

  • yes, continue to use testosterone enanthate and properly using pct

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • no, to prevent further harm to your hpta stop the current cycle now

    Votes: 5 83.3%

  • Total voters

scuba steve

New Member
im 24 now at this point in time i know i have fucked up my body, i learned everything in the past few years that i wish somebody had told me about years ago as i was around 16-17 when pro-hormones were just another supplement to some of my friends. i took my first cycle at 17 years old (i had no idea what i was taking... at this point in my life i didnt care what the ingredient lable said, my friend took it, gained 10 lbs, looked jacked after just one month, another friend did the same, i had no clue what pct even was, no clue that i was taking steroids.
what i had taken, was m-drol, at 17... NO PCT! yes i know fuck my life, every day i regret being so naive and not researching in the slightest bit.
the next time, i took havoc (epistane) still not knowing what i was taking was steroids.
months later I had a girlfriend, took me a long time to get hard, and my boner would turn rubbery at any given moment, til i guess my body recovered. i was fine for a while, i realized what i had been taking shortly after that.. i had never taken a pct. by the time i was 19 i was like fuck it, i fucked up my hpta so bad itll never be normal again, ill be on trt for life kind of thing. i tried taking clomid for 4 weeks multiple times i took gnrh (triptorelin) recently. i got a blood test, my test levels less than normal, and my estrogen was higher than it should be, my hormones are all kinds of fucked up im sure. ive had to take cialis just to get and maintain an erection in the past. i dont know if i could even get a script for trt from my doctor, so i need to make the decision (i just started taking test e, if should i just keep cycling (Test E) mind you. no more pro's fuck that, and continue to do pct properly and use hcg on cycle becuse #1 i feel much better, almost like i need it to feel normal, otherwise i get anxiety, loss of confidence (sex drive is always normal, but boners can be flimsy off cycle) #2 i am very into lifting weights, and during my cycle times i built up my chest, arms, upper back, and core, but my lower back is TINY, im unbalanced, causing back pain and poor posture if i dont correct it. building it naturally to be able to hold the rest of my body will take a couple of years. mind you im not a huge guy im 185 5'11, smaller skeletal frame, stunted my growth at 17 with the pros... im fully aware of the harm i did unknowingly to my body, i dont want to do more juice, but now i feel as if i might as well because i already fucked up so bad... opinions on the subject would be much appreciated, thanks a lot for reading
Sounds like you need therapy...not trying to be a dick, but maybe you need to seek professional opinions..
no offence taken! yeah man im well aware, if by that you mean emotional therapy from a psychologist, i have some issues, im working on em, on top of this i had a rough childhood, this just makes it even worse, thanks for the suggestion, but id prefer to figure out things on my own (seeing a psychologist is expensive) im doing a lot of research into psychology, ive read many books and im trying to practice cbt for my anxiety on my own.
but if you dont mean that, elaborate please? should i tell my doctor about this so he can advise me? i figured asking here would be my second best bet
but if you dont mean that, elaborate please? should i tell my doctor about this so he can advise me? i figured asking here would be my second best bet

I would tell your doctor and go from there. You are still way to young man.
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I'm not sure of what you struggle with or your background but what I can say from observing this post is mabe you should seek professional help for both ends of what you are dealing with because here you will only get opinions from reg. People but paying that money may get you the advise you are looking for.
I'm not sure of what you struggle with or your background but what I can say from observing this post is mabe you should seek professional help for both ends of what you are dealing with because here you will only get opinions from reg. People but paying that money may get you the advise you are looking for.
I would tell your doctor and go from there. You are still way to young man.

i agree that i am way too young but my i feel as if i fucked myself up as much as possible already
I am in the same boat with you my friend 25 years old with hypogonadism from steroids.
My advise is to go to an endocrinologist and hopefully recover.
You are too young to continue with testosterone for the rest for your life.
its a very stupid concept i was going with, i think ill just cut off the test e, i only did two injections, im not sure if ill need to use a pct, just to be safe ill use gnrh and some igf-1 how does that sound?
I say that you drop it all send it to me I'll properly dispose of it and go to the Doctor. Sound good..
im 24 now at this point in time i know i have fucked up my body, i learned everything in the past few years that i wish somebody had told me about years ago as i was around 16-17 when pro-hormones were just another supplement to some of my friends. i took my first cycle at 17 years old (i had no idea what i was taking... at this point in my life i didnt care what the ingredient lable said, my friend took it, gained 10 lbs, looked jacked after just one month, another friend did the same, i had no clue what pct even was, no clue that i was taking steroids.
what i had taken, was m-drol, at 17... NO PCT! yes i know fuck my life, every day i regret being so naive and not researching in the slightest bit.
the next time, i took havoc (epistane) still not knowing what i was taking was steroids.
months later I had a girlfriend, took me a long time to get hard, and my boner would turn rubbery at any given moment,1at i had been taking shortly after that.. i had never taken a pct. by the time i was 19 i was like fuck it, i fucked up my hpta so bad itll never be normal again, ill be on trt for life kind of thing. i tried taking clomid for 4 weeks multiple times i took gnrh (triptorelin) recently. i got a blood test, my test levels less than normal, and my estrogen was higher than it should be, my hormones are all kinds of fucked up im sure. ive had to take cialis just to get and maintain an erection in the past. i dont know if i could even get a script for trt from my doctor, so i need to make the decision (i just started taking test e, if should i just keep cycling (Test E) mind you. no more pro's fuck that, and continue to do pct properly and use hcg on cycle becuse #1 i feel much better, almost like i need it to feel normal, otherwise i get anxiety, loss of confidence (sex drive is always normal, but boners can be flimsy off cycle) #2 i am very into lifting weights, and during my cycle times i built up my chest, arms, upper back, and core, but my lower back is TINY, im unbalanced, causing back pain and poor posture if i dont correct it. building it naturally to be able to hold the rest of my body will take a couple of years. mind you im not a huge guy im 185 5'11, smaller skeletal frame, stunted my growth at 17 with the pros... im fully aware of the harm i did unknowingly to my body, i dont want to do more juice, but now i feel as if i might as well because i already fucked up so bad... opinions on the subject would be much appreciated, thanks a lot for reading

Any relation to @scubasteve?

Get a referral to an endo. Enough with the self diagnosis/medicating. You are not qualified.

Post your labs if you want advice. The best advice is already stated above but we may be able to provide assistance. More data the better. Look in the PCT forum for HPTA restoration.
You could be going through Dope Withdrawals ..
What I mean, is it could be a lot worse...

You could be in prison getting raped..
You could have gotten into a car accident and lost your arms and legs...

WAIT!! Did you say your dick won't get hard?
GOD DAMN, I'll take the Life in Prison ..

Buy the Pump and Ring..
Learn to smile more... and always wear your seatbelt ..

I am so fuckin tired..
You could be going through Dope Withdrawals ..
What I mean, is it could be a lot worse...

You could be in prison getting raped..
You could have gotten into a car accident and lost your arms and legs...

WAIT!! Did you say your dick won't get hard?
GOD DAMN, I'll take the Life in Prison ..

Buy the Pump and Ring..
Learn to smile more... and always wear your seatbelt ..

I am so fuckin tired..
Damn this was a while ago. I'm good now lol
17 is way too young to be screwing with your hormone levels. I can understand why kids in high school or whatever do. I know that it's not uncommon also. You're body is still in the process of turning you from a boy to a man. But you know how it goes. One dude, probably an athlete does a cycle. He gets all buff and then his friends want to get jacked. He doesn't give a f*ck and is more than happy to make a buck or at least cover his gear costs. It's a common scenario. When I started lifting the thought of juicing was out of the question. But I trained my ass off for five years and realized that was the next logical step to take it to the next level. The prohormones definately created a grey area and probably were kind of like a gateway supplement. Not that they did much but are you still natural after taking a bunch of different prohormones? I'd say yeah, but they take you one step closer. I'd say 25 is a good age to start juicing if your going to do it. Pct is a good idea. There are no guarantees it's going to fix any damage long term, but it at least makes the hormone crash much more bearable. Thus allowing you to take the time off to give your body a chance to recover.
I got to a point where it just seemed like life was awesome for while on for 8-12 weeks. And then the off time just sucked. It was like my life was on hold and the next 2 months were going to suck. Just a miserable waiting game. I can't even remember the last time I was off. I don't take large doses of anything or any aas that are bad for liver or even tren. I figure my aas doses should be at the same level of my diet and training. All three could be better, but after about 17 years of weight training and the last 10 cycling you can get burned out if you're not careful.
Basically there's a good chance you could need trt. That's going to be complicated since your about 10 years younger than most people who start receiving it. You got a few options you can explore. You can keep juicing/doing your own trt, you can get all the stuff out of your system and see a doctor for tests or you can try your own restart after all the test is out of system. Clomid @50mg/day for a month along with hcg or nolvadex and hcg. The hcg should give you a good boost and bring your test up quick. But a synthetic estrogen like clomid or serm like nolva in theory makes your body think there is too much estrogen and it compensates by producing more test to balance it out. Trib helps by increasing luteinizing hormone, it's mild but can't hurt. You should be alright, might have to wear a test patch or rub some androderm on. I like the patch better. The idea of acidently rubbing test on other people, females in particular makes the gel seem like a bad idea too me.
17 is way too young to be screwing with your hormone levels. I can understand why kids in high school or whatever do. I know that it's not uncommon also. You're body is still in the process of turning you from a boy to a man. But you know how it goes. One dude, probably an athlete does a cycle. He gets all buff and then his friends want to get jacked. He doesn't give a f*ck and is more than happy to make a buck or at least cover his gear costs. It's a common scenario. When I started lifting the thought of juicing was out of the question. But I trained my ass off for five years and realized that was the next logical step to take it to the next level. The prohormones definately created a grey area and probably were kind of like a gateway supplement. Not that they did much but are you still natural after taking a bunch of different prohormones? I'd say yeah, but they take you one step closer. I'd say 25 is a good age to start juicing if your going to do it. Pct is a good idea. There are no guarantees it's going to fix any damage long term, but it at least makes the hormone crash much more bearable. Thus allowing you to take the time off to give your body a chance to recover.
I got to a point where it just seemed like life was awesome for while on for 8-12 weeks. And then the off time just sucked. It was like my life was on hold and the next 2 months were going to suck. Just a miserable waiting game. I can't even remember the last time I was off. I don't take large doses of anything or any aas that are bad for liver or even tren. I figure my aas doses should be at the same level of my diet and training. All three could be better, but after about 17 years of weight training and the last 10 cycling you can get burned out if you're not careful.
Basically there's a good chance you could need trt. That's going to be complicated since your about 10 years younger than most people who start receiving it. You got a few options you can explore. You can keep juicing/doing your own trt, you can get all the stuff out of your system and see a doctor for tests or you can try your own restart after all the test is out of system. Clomid @50mg/day for a month along with hcg or nolvadex and hcg. The hcg should give you a good boost and bring your test up quick. But a synthetic estrogen like clomid or serm like nolva in theory makes your body think there is too much estrogen and it compensates by producing more test to balance it out. Trib helps by increasing luteinizing hormone, it's mild but can't hurt. You should be alright, might have to wear a test patch or rub some androderm on. I like the patch better. The idea of acidently rubbing test on other people, females in particular makes the gel seem like a bad idea too me.
yeah dude i understand that 17 was way too young. i took what i thought was just another supplement (i did not know steroids came in capsule form until later) i also understand that it could be worse, dont think i take the rest of my life for granted. but i still did something that more than likely fucked up my body for the rest of my life in several different ways, i will get a referral to an endo, and i have gotten my test levels checked out, as posted above. also what do i even tell my endo once i am there, if he asks why my levels are so fucked up, what ive been taking etc... do i tell him ive been intaking too much soy products?
yeah dude i understand that 17 was way too young. i took what i thought was just another supplement (i did not know steroids came in capsule form until later) i also understand that it could be worse, dont think i take the rest of my life for granted. but i still did something that more than likely fucked up my body for the rest of my life in several different ways, i will get a referral to an endo, and i have gotten my test levels checked out, as posted above. also what do i even tell my endo once i am there, if he asks why my levels are so fucked up, what ive been taking etc... do i tell him ive been intaking too much soy products?
No dude, you have to be upfront if you expect to be taken seriously. Why would you not tell him what was up? He can't help you if he doesn't understand the situation. It's between you and your doctor. It's confidential. The whole soy, phytoestrogen thing isn't very significant to me. Probably less to a Dr. So basically what you're saying is that when you were 17 you took capsules that you thought were prohormones but were anadrol? Any are you sure they contained anadrol? It is one of the most powerful steroids out there and at even 50mg/day the potential for liver damage is there. How long did you take the capsules and at what dose. If you took 100mg anadrol for like six months then you might have done some damage.
i just was not sure if it would be covered by the insurance if he knew that i had taken anything, anyway dumb question none the less, i was joking about the soy. just trying to get as much info as possible, so ur saying cut the test, i only just started last week, so dont worry about pct (self medication)? i have access to clomid.
what im saying is, when i was 17, my buddy took m-drol and got huge, he had 2 bottles, he sold me the other one, i took 10mg a day for 2 weeks then 20mg a day for 2 weeks, no PCT
i didnt think they were anything just another supplement, stacked it with my creatine and natty test booster.. it was methasterone (which i believe is a prohormone), i had no clue what i was taking