[Biotech Pharmaclinico] - [Test Cyp. 250] - [MS] - [08 - 2014]

I've been using biotech for a few years, and to be honest I feel their sust is stronger than my TRT cyp from the pharmacy. I know there is or at least was two versions, the legit bio and a copy version. Any chance we can see the bottle? I'm guessing no, but I was totally expecting a high mg/ml and I was praying for a clean purity. Damn
So far I have not seen a sample correctly dosed it would be more helpful if those tests pointed to a good source.

Looks like a lot of expensive testing for nothing.
I've been using biotech for a few years, and to be honest I feel their sust is stronger than my TRT cyp from the pharmacy. I know there is or at least was two versions, the legit bio and a copy version. Any chance we can see the bottle? I'm guessing no, but I was totally expecting a high mg/ml and I was praying for a clean purity. Damn
You've been on board for years...have ya? What was it that got you up and at em today of all days to actually register with meso and then make a claim that many of the guys here would question your integrity, honesty, or allegiance.
Using bio for years but still in bed with your endo and picking up the scripts for a few extra bucks. Look into my eyes and put your hands in mine...
I'm not really sure what you are saying or asking. Bio has been good to me, and my doc obviously doesn't give me enough test to run cycles let alone use other compounds. I was searching for mass spec reports on bio, personally I have never questioned their potency, I have always wondered about their purity/cleanliness. This is the only mass spec I have found. As I said earlier, there are non authentic versions going around. For my own piece of mind seeing a bottle to know which one was mass spec'd would mean the world. All ugl's are shady bastards in my eyes. I have just felt over the years bio tech was the best one I have been used. If this is the legitimate bio that was tested that is a shame, but they are an ugl anything is possible.
You can convince some clueless newbies but not old veterans that your gear is first class.
You have just singed in and try to contradict lab results.
You guys must be having trouble reading or something? Simply asking which version was tested is not contradicting anything. And.....I'm not trying to convince anyone one of anything. I would suggest all of you DO NOT use ANY ugl's, THIS INCLUDES BIO-tech. I would suggest only using pharma stuff, after reading this I'm leaning that way myself......