Blind testing of QSC tirzepatide (promo), test e, p

y'all. this guy just spent over $500USD!! I feel like a total slacker when I see the few Members here always posting testing results. @Spaceman Spiff thanks for the contribution, and don't think it's unappreciated by the community. I'm inspired to follow suit! I hope some other members are too!
I don't understand why he does this testing when QSC calls their customers fat sluts and clowns. Don't give any orders to QSC when they don't test their own freakin products!
I don't understand why he does this testing when QSC calls their customers fat sluts and clowns. Don't give any orders to QSC when they don't test their own freakin products
He hasn't called me a fat slut or clown. What do you mean? I have had a good working relationship with him.

I test it because I don't fully trust everything I get from manufacturing sources. Nor should anyone.

I would put more faith in the ones who do testing. Say what you want ,I haven't seen a source do as much as this one.

Let me buy from the guy who sells 5mg tb/bpc as 10mg.
He hasn't called me a fat slut or clown. What do you mean? I have had a good working relationship with him.

I test it because I don't fully trust everything I get from manufacturing sources. Nor should anyone.

I would put more faith in the ones who do testing. Say what you want ,I haven't seen a source do as much as this one.

Let me buy from the guy who sells 5mg tb/bpc as 10mg.
Well, of course Tracy likes you and won't insult you, Spaceman, you're paying to have the testing done when he won't do that. It increases his sales because you're providing the testing. I appreciate that you help everyone here but it's not right that you have to do it. when QSC should do that
Well, of course Tracy likes you and won't insult you, Spaceman, you're paying to have the testing done when he won't do that. It increases his sales because you're providing the testing. I appreciate that you help everyone here but it's not right that you have to do it. when QSC should do that
That's fair, but I do it not to advertise for him. I don't get a gift or ask for one. Whatever the hell it is.

People should test what they get from these manufacturers. Their testing just helps give us an idea on who is a "safer" choice
That's fair, but I do it not to advertise for him. I don't get a gift or ask for one. Whatever the hell it is.

People should test what they get from these manufacturers. Their testing just helps give us an idea on who is a "safer" choice
Thank you, Spaceman
Thanks for posting these results. I’m new, but I’ve been reading here for over a year now. Also ordered from Q a multitude of times and no issues. Never been called a clown or slut, at least not by Tracy

I’ve had questionable products from a variety of sources (domestic and Cn) & I’ve rarely seen a supplier do their own testing, especially with these prices we’re paying. The onus is on us.

@Spaceman Spiff Truly appreciate your contribution to this community
I don't understand why he does this testing when QSC calls their customers fat sluts and clowns. Don't give any orders to QSC when they don't test their own freakin products!
Well, of course Tracy likes you and won't insult you, Spaceman, you're paying to have the testing done when he won't do that. It increases his sales because you're providing the testing. I appreciate that you help everyone here but it's not right that you have to do it. when QSC should do that

Both sellers and buyers should perform testing.

For the seller second party testing is the only way to keep quality control and avoid bad surprises, because at the end of the day the engineers who manufacter/brew the finished products are humans, and can make mistakes. Factories can sell impure raws.

Buyers shouldn't blindly trust the sellers, so they should perform third party testing, because a seller can cherrypick the results, and most of sellers don't post the bad results, they post only the good ones.

QSC is the only chinese source that have testing on almost all products in the price list, and on almost every batch of peptides. Our 21 pages HPLC thread in the forum have the biggest number of tests, both done by us and customers, and statistically, we are the most tested source in the forum (blind tested) and the source that performs the largest number of testing.
You can verify this yourself.

The 3 items tested by Spaceman Spiff are tested by us:

Test P raws:
Test E raws:
Janoshik Analytical

Tirzepatide 30mg white tops:

Variance is less than 1%, impressive, right?

I don't call people fat sluts, nor clowns, unless they act like ones, unfortunately the fact that you are assuming we don't do our homework by testing our own products and blaming meso members for doing their harm reduction homework make you look like a clown, but not any clown, a skinny lazy clown who don't do his homework which is reading, no offense.
y'all. this guy just spent over $500USD!! I feel like a total slacker when I see the few Members here always posting testing results. @Spaceman Spiff thanks for the contribution, and don't think it's unappreciated by the community. I'm inspired to follow suit! I hope some other members are too!

Yeah this guy is pretty chill. Reminds me of this one guy who used to roam around these parts. Very selfless, minds his own, knowledgeable & a student at the same time.
How have your results from the 30mg tirz been? I also bought during the promo and am getting zero results- I’m 3 weeks in and don’t feel anything. I was previously on rx tirz through a clinic, and it worked wonders very quickly. Curious your experience?
If you're lighter than the first time, and presumably you are, it will be less effective at the same dose than previously.

These drugs aren't "appetite suppressants" in the conventional sense. A good analogy is that there's a biological weight "thermostat". Above that weight and natural suppression effects kicks in to bring you back towards the "set weight". Food seems less appealing, stomach capacity is reduced, acid reflux. Below it and the opposite occurs to bring you back up. Food occupies most of your thoughts, mouth waters, smell is enhanced.

On a dose dependent basis, these drugs lower the setting on the "thermostat". Eventually you reach stasis and have to raise the dose to continue losing. If you went up 20 pounds while on the same dose, suppression effects would return.

That's why a maintenance dose is supposed to be used to keep you at whatever weight you're trying to achieve.
I went with them before, was like 9/9 on some beautiful orders with them, loving the Alibaba options, then tried to “go back” recently and was told the $450 I sent wasn’t enough to cover the shipping, then I sent the rest. Then they say the $450 didn’t even go thru and I get jack fucking squat for the $505 I handed their ass, I still really don’t understand what happened. Transaction readings were super butt obvious on both ends that I had sent the .303 ETH, at the very least they totally should have a $450 credit for me. I got all pissed off, which I fucking should because it was suddenly apparent I was getting robbed and treated as though I didn’t pay. That shit makes you bug out knowing you’re tossing your hard earned cash in the wind. Lotta reneging going on lately.

Shit, I still really want to order through them but I’d be way scared to now. They’ll get a pile of crypto and just keep your shit nowadays I guess, it appears, at least did my ass. Gimme my .303 ETH credit, homies.
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I went with them before, was like 9/9 on orders with them, loving the Alibaba options, then tried to “go back” recently and was told the $450 I sent wasn’t enough to cover the shipping, then I sent the rest. Then they say the $450 didn’t even go thru and I get jack fucking squat for the $505 I handed their ass, I still really don’t understand what happened. Transaction readings were super butt obvious on both ends that I had sent the .303 ETH, at the very least they totally should have a $450 credit for me. I got all pissed off, which I fucking should because it was suddenly apparent I was getting robbed and treated as though I didn’t pay. That shit makes you bug out knowing you’re tossing your hard earned cash in the wind. Lotta reneging going on lately.

Shit, I still really want to order through them but I’d be way scared to now. They’ll get a pile of crypto and just keep your shit nowadays I guess, it appears, at least did my ass. Gimme my .303 ETH credit, homies.
I do miss the Alibaba option
I went with them before, was like 9/9 on some beautiful orders with them, loving the Alibaba options, then tried to “go back” recently and was told the $450 I sent wasn’t enough to cover the shipping, then I sent the rest. Then they say the $450 didn’t even go thru and I get jack fucking squat for the $505 I handed their ass, I still really don’t understand what happened. Transaction readings were super butt obvious on both ends that I had sent the .303 ETH, at the very least they totally should have a $450 credit for me. I got all pissed off, which I fucking should because it was suddenly apparent I was getting robbed and treated as though I didn’t pay. That shit makes you bug out knowing you’re tossing your hard earned cash in the wind. Lotta reneging going on lately.

Shit, I still really want to order through them but I’d be way scared to now. They’ll get a pile of crypto and just keep your shit nowadays I guess, it appears, at least did my ass. Gimme my .303 ETH credit, homies.
What does this have to do with the tirzepatide blind test dude? I know you are mad but it's irrelevant to this topic