So would you say in pharmaceutical self treatment of high LDL, ezetimibe & BA would be a reasonable initial strategy?
My first attempt at LLT after exhausting all the lifestyle and supplement options was to try ezetimibe mono-therapy. It was a marginal improvement. I ran it for a year. At some point, I was hanging out with a friend. He was obese, pre-diabetic, had a terrible diet, and never exercised. He showed me his lipid panel on 20mg of Rosuvastatin and I was shocked at how much better it was than mine.
I would've considered bemepdoic acid at the time if it had been available. It's worth noting that BA is relatively new to the market. The data on outcomes is well established. The clinical trials also show very few adverse side effects. However, it's not been widely used for very long.
That's all to say that yes, I'd consider that a reasonable approach with the caveat that I also believe that the downsides of statins are overstated and even so, the result of being prescribed in a manner which defies reason.