Blood Results - 3 years off. 875 total T

Hey guys. Here are pics of my lab results. I’ve now been off everything for 3 years. If you have questions fire away.

I have attached lipids, estradiol tsh and total T.

most notable is my Testosterone at 875. I’m 32 years old.

Also I do not take any pill of any kind. No multivitamin or anything. Wanted to show this to you to prove we can recover. If you want to know how I did it just ask.
32 years old with 875 total T?

I think Alex Jones was right.
You're half pussy and half genetically engineered bi-sexual Frog.
Will look into it more. Thank you kind sir
Do you already know what items you want to see, e.g., testosterone total and free, estradiol, cholesterol, liver and kidney markers, hematocrit, eGFR, what else?

Are you expecting test levels to be over 1500 or under?

Are you running tren (matters if testing estrogens, need sensitive assay)?

If you expect test to be under 1500 and do not need a sensitive test, then you can get everything you need for 60-70 bucks or so, particularly if you use a discount code, by running the female hormone panel (I know, I know you are not a female, but it lets males run it).

I have gotten all of the above, sensitive, and IGF-1 numbers for far less than 200 bucks bu cobbling together a couple of tests.