Blood Results - 3 years off. 875 total T

Hey guys. Here are pics of my lab results. I’ve now been off everything for 3 years. If you have questions fire away.

I have attached lipids, estradiol tsh and total T.

most notable is my Testosterone at 875. I’m 32 years old.

Also I do not take any pill of any kind. No multivitamin or anything. Wanted to show this to you to prove we can recover. If you want to know how I did it just ask.


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My total test was at 230 before I started. So if I would come off I would assume it would go back to what it was before. So I ain't never coming off
Hey guys. Here are pics of my lab results. I’ve now been off everything for 3 years. If you have questions fire away.

I have attached lipids, estradiol tsh and total T.

most notable is my Testosterone at 875. I’m 32 years old.

Also I do not take any pill of any kind. No multivitamin or anything. Wanted to show this to you to prove we can recover. If you want to know how I did it just ask.

How did you do it?
875 number doesn’t tell us the whole story. To get a better idea you need shbg, free test, LH, FSH ect. I bet your shbg is high.
875 number doesn’t tell us the whole story. To get a better idea you need shbg, free test, LH, FSH ect. I bet your shbg is high.
Numbers don’t lie but they don’t tell the whole story either. My shbg # probably is high. But I feel amazing. Plus I kept most of my gains and my libido is insane.
How did you do it?
I always kept coming off in mind. For 1 I never ran tren. That shit will put your balls in the grave.

hcg was key for me and so was staying off. Most people don’t realize how long it actually takes to recover. Years. But you will. I’m sober too so no alcohol helps w test levels. I also periodically ran cycles of clomid in the beginning
I always kept coming off in mind. For 1 I never ran tren. That shit will put your balls in the grave.

hcg was key for me and so was staying off. Most people don’t realize how long it actually takes to recover. Years. But you will. I’m sober too so no alcohol helps w test levels. I also periodically ran cycles of clomid in the beginning
How much HCG did you use and for how long?
875 number doesn’t tell us the whole story. To get a better idea you need shbg, free test, LH, FSH ect. I bet your shbg is high.
with 875, also if shbg are high the free test is ok....
this problem could occour if Total Test is low, not in this case.
The thing is: why would I ever wanna do it?

And your statement makes no sense, without the important infos, how long have you been cycling before coming off? What's your lh FSH free test etc?
How's your sperm count?

Of course ppl can recover... Slowly and with a lot of time most of the time. But why? I don't see any life improvement in this choice lol
The thing is: why would I ever wanna do it?

And your statement makes no sense, without the important infos, how long have you been cycling before coming off? What's your lh FSH free test etc?
How's your sperm count?

Of course ppl can recover... Slowly and with a lot of time most of the time. But why? I don't see any life improvement in this choice lol
Can't get good enough trt or aren't willing/able to find ugl sources again and again. Or want kids

Most people hopping on don't even think about any of the above before its too late
Can't get good enough trt or aren't willing/able to find ugl sources again and again. Or want kids

Most people hopping on don't even think about any of the above before its too late
They are retards, if one doesnt weight all the pros and cons....

Finding test good one is easy as fuck the only variable I can understand is having kids
Are you in the US?

I don't know about "mail in," but privatemdlabs works if you are not in one of the few states where it is illegal to use them.
Ya I’ve been looking at a few similar options but they charge almost $500 for the panel... I am in the US
500 bucks???? Which panel? Maybe look around on that site a little more and pick and choose what you want instead of just selecting panels. Also, quest is cheaper than the other option for almost every blood test.