Blood work, 25 y/o. Help with restart?


New Member
25 years old, cycle ended about 7 months ago. Was Test E 500 per week, for 12 weeks. PCT was clomid/nolva. Did not take an AI.

Testosterone: 348-1197; mine is 395
Test Bioavailable: 110-575; mine is 184
Test Free: 46-224; mine is 85.8
LH: 1.7-8.6; mine is 4.6
FSH: 1.5-12.4; mine is 3.5
Estradiol: 1.5-42.6; mine is 13
SHBG: 10-50; mine is 22
DHEA: 110-510; mine is 350

I'm wondering if a restart is needed and how I would go about doing it? I have HCG, arimidex, clomid, and nolva on hand.

I have no idea where to start. I heard HCG might be bad to take because it suppresses your LH. Then i've heard its good to take for a couple weeks before clomid/nolva. Can anybody tell me whats wrong and what i should do?
You did PCT and 7 months have elapsed? I'm apt to think this is your normal test level. Albeit, it's on the lower end of the range. The threshold i've seen most commonly is <300. I'd get it done again if you can, your numbers can fluctuate according to several factors. Did you get Pre-cycle bloods done? Actually, i guess you wouldn't be here if you did. Any medical issues or meds?
You did PCT and 7 months have elapsed? I'm apt to think this is your normal test level. Albeit, it's on the lower end of the range. The threshold i've seen most commonly is <300. I'd get it done again if you can, your numbers can fluctuate according to several factors. Did you get Pre-cycle bloods done? Actually, i guess you wouldn't be here if you did. Any medical issues or meds?


Missed your post.. ^^

Do you feel like anything's wrong or is the number just freaking you out? Almost 400 isn't that horrible IMO unless it makes YOU feel like shit..
thats the thing, i feel slightly more fatigued and less energy.. but i also dont think i noticed it until i found out my actual test number. i wasnt sure if my lh/fsh/e2 were low also. if you say they are in decent shape then thats good but i heard from a friend they are low.

i have no symptoms that i actually noticed before the test besides bad acne (which is why i wanted a blood test). its been around since pct 6 months ago. its mostly on my face and will not go away, slight shoulders n back. i thought maybe since nothing from the dermatologist between anti-biotics, and strong retnoids has worked for my face that maybe my hormones were imbalanced so it wont subside.

i have a libido though
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thats the thing, i feel slightly more fatigued and less energy.. but i also dont think i noticed it until i found out my actual test number. i wasnt sure if my lh/fsh/e2 were low also. if you say they are in decent shape then thats good but i heard from a friend they are low.

i have no symptoms that i actually noticed before the test besides bad acne (which is why i wanted a blood test). its been around since pct 6 months ago. its mostly on my face and will not go away, slight shoulders n back. i thought maybe since nothing from the dermatologist between anti-biotics, and strong retnoids has worked for my face that maybe my hormones were imbalanced so it wont subside.

i have a libido, i havent had a problem when i needed to, and sorry for too much info but i've noticed my ejaculation is different then it use to be too. its kind of thick, i've tried googling it and seen it could be a sign of low t.

As far as I know thick ejaculate isn't a bad thing, watery ejaculate on the other hand..

The number is in your head, I think you're fine.. Forget about the test #..
i wasnt sure, if it seems like im kickin ok then thats good. i asked on a different forum so i came here for different opinions. they were all telling me i should try a restart.
i think im going to try a clomid/nolva restart anyway, and see if i can wait on the hcg even though i have it at the moment.

im going to try clomid 50/50/25/25 and nolva 20/20/10/10.

should i get a blood test after 3 weeks to see where im at?

i also got a referral from my dr for an endo, would it be a good idea to just go see them then try the restart?

its just this acne wont go away no matter what medication i use besides accutane.. and im fearing it's result of my hormones still being messed up. i've also been noticing i feel more sluggish than i use to.
sorry cant seem to find an edit button, i scheduled an appt with an endo but it wont be til july 24th. so 2 months away. should i try the clomid/nolva restart for a month and if nothing changes goto my endo a month later? or just wait to do it altogether til after the endo.
sorry cant seem to find an edit button, i scheduled an appt with an endo but it wont be til july 24th. so 2 months away. should i try the clomid/nolva restart for a month and if nothing changes goto my endo a month later? or just wait to do it altogether til after the endo.

SERM effect will be present a month after stopping.
SERM effect will be present a month after stopping.

What are your thoughts on my bloods Scally? I've been reading a lot on your work.

Does that mean if i start now (May 21st), end the clomid/nolva in one month (June 21st), then one month after when i go see my endo the serm effect will still be present (July 24th)?

If so how long would it take for the serm effect to be out of my system? As in when after the restart can I take a blood test and it will be my actual levels, not serm boosted?
I'm thinking of trying something really short, just to see how i react.

I'm thinking Clomid 50/25/12.5 and Nolva 20/10/5, so 3 weeks just to see where my levels go to give me a better understanding of where I am at. How does this sound to anybody?

I've been feeling fatigued a lot easier and sluggish, with kind of a brain fog. Idk if its from the stress/depression i've had lately or low T.
I just wanted to update this, ongoing problem and I can't figure it out. It's possible it's all in my head, or I have a sleeping disorder, who knows.

I haven't got any recent bloodwork after this one.. but I still feel very fatigued everyday. It's only been just recently I've been noticing it a lot. Probably because my girlfriend always makes jokes about how I'm usually sleepy. Could I just be worrying too much and I'm being psychologically drained?

I visited an endo about 2 months ago who looked at me like I was bullshitting him about my symptoms, told me I'm fine and to be on my way (I also never told him i tried steroids for insurance reasons). He looked at the blood test I posted in my first post and said there was nothing to even consider. I kind of think he had the feeling I wanted prescribed testosterone which is the last thing I wanted.

Let me explain my life:
-I have no job so no work stress, nothing I need to be up for or worry about.
-My diet is poor but even before steroids it was and it never affected me. I've always been skinny and ate whatever i've wanted.
-I'm underweight, and actually i'm at my lowest i've been in a very long time, (6 foot, 125-135lbs) though I stopped working out 9 months ago.

-Lethargy; I can sleep for 8-12 hours, then feel like I need a nap 3 hours after getting up. I can stay awake but feel like I'm dragging.. constantly yawning. My sleep is also very bad, I usually wake up every couple hours.
-Bad sleep; I wake up constantly in the middle of the night.
-Acne; I've had acne once 3 years ago and it went away with anti-biotics in a few months. This has been around since I stopped steroids (over a year). It is no longer on my shoulders/arms/back but it still on my face. Thought it's nowhere near as bad as when I was on my PCT. I'm still using the strongest prescription products. (under accutane)
-Slightly down mood; don't feel as up as I use to be. I guess I'd say maybe i'm a little depressed? That could be from me worrying about my skin constantly and my energy.

I would say thats my main problems. My libido seems fine, no problems with the new girlfriend.. and im pretty sure my testicles are normal size.

I'm thinking the acne can be.. well, just acne. Might not have to do with my hormones being screwed up (though im 24 and probably shouldn't have any). The lethargy could be from a sleeping disorder and I'm just pinning it on my test, who knows.

Should I try a differen't endo for a 2nd opinion? (if that's even possible)
I'm assuming it'd be a good idea to get a new blood test?
Could I possibly just have a sleeping disorder that's messing with me and I'm just worrying it's my endocrine system because I know in the back of my head I took steroids?
Could exercising possibly make me feel better? Maybe make me less lethargic?
I have clomid/hcg/nolva on hand. Should I try a small clomid/nolva restart without the hcg? Could it have a negative affect?

^^^^ I never tried the restart I was going to try in my last post because I was seeing an endo soon and didn't want it to affect a blood test if he gave me one.

Sorry for the long post.. I just don't think I can live like this if it keeps up. I have no motivation to do anything, i sit in my room watching tv or playing video games all day. My energy just isn't there. Even when I use to do that i'd need sleep meds to put me to sleep. I use to be able to sleep for 5 hours and jump out of bed no problem then be up for 24. Now I can hardly be up for a few hours without thinking about how great a nap sounds.

Again, I could just be worrying and just need someone to tell me to shut up. Which honestly I hope is the case.

Thank you in advance for any advice.
So.. you done steroids.. your blood tests are OK (and reputable members confirm it), you stopped excersising, you eat crap, you are a walking skeleton, you feel like shit and you think that it has to do with your hormones?

Bro.. seriously?

Start training and eating properly, take some melatonin/valerian route for the sleep and stay away from hormones. I am sure that if you do these you will feel 100% better in a matter of weeks.
Wow...just, wow. Instead of sitting around playing video games and eating crap (or not eating at all according to your stats), you should use that time to educate yourself on the importance of a proper diet and exercise. This is a major concern. Beyond any other significant factors that are contributing to your lack of weight, you have no idea how to feed yourself properly, or more importantly what to eat and how much. This should be your number one focus right now starting today.

At 6ft, 135lbs you are seriously underweight - anorexic in fact. Im willing to bet your lethargy is largely due to your lack of food, not your hormones IMHO. I would however agree that your results are on the low side for a healthy 25 year old male. But youre not healthy, youre clearly unhealthy, and all the steroids in the world are not going to benefit you at this stage - again assuming there are no other significant medical conditions .

Do some (a lot) research and then develop a solid diet and exercise routine and i guarantee you will feel a lot better. This will also increase your natural test production. Pick up a quality multi-vitamin while youre at it.
I know how it sounds. Ive always been small trust me I eat a lot but i know it's impossible to not gain weight if you are eating more than your body can burn. It can just be hard to eat that much. Both my parents were extremely skinny so is my brother. I've already starting making protein shakes again and hitting the weights though. Honestly I screwed up taking steroids because going to the gym was never my lifestyle but I did feel better about myself at the time so I started going back. Things is I use to eat bad for years and wasn't too active before steroids but I still had a ton of energy and had to take sleep meds just to fall asleep. Now I just don't have a drive, I have no energy or motivation to do anything. I use to be the type to go out everyday, run marathons occasionally, I was active.. Even though I wasn't fit. I'm not saying I have a good lifestyle, but my lifestyle was never a problem in the past, that's why I'm concerned.
Well, it's obviously a problem now. And being an ectomorph is no excuse. Im an ectomorph and have no problem eating and exercising properly.

Quit living in the past and making excuses. Move forward towards your new goals of developing a well researched diet and exercise routine (sans AAS until you put on some weight) that will change your life forever, provided you stay the course and remain focused.
Man you definitely are severely underweight at 6' 135. I'm inclined to agree that this has nothing to do with AAS use, or even low T. You need to shovel food into your face :D