Blood work interpretation


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These are my post bloods (TOP) Okay I have my pre,mid, and post bloods done. I'm a bit worried about my post bloods not sure what to make of them. Full disclosure I drink about eight years about 36 hours before this test. I'm not sure if that effects anything. But I did fast about 10 hours before this test.image.png
Pre boods (bottom) I didn't fast for the pre bloods.
image.png From what I've been able to gather online is its my kidneys. I'm also on an antibiotic. I have been for 3 months. But my mid bloods where good. So idk.
Maybe @Dr JIM could chime in

Happy to help if I can but first;

Have U shown these tests to your Doc?

What are u "worried" about, be specific.

"Full disclosure" what is your age bc 33 just doesn't make much sense IME.
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what antibiotic are u taking and for what reason?
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Happy to help if I can but first;

Have U shown these tests to your Doc?

What are u "worried" about, be specific.

"Full disclosure" what is your age bc 33 just doesn't make much sense IME.
No Doc I have not shown them to my Doc. I am 33 years old. And the antibiotic I am on is called Doxycycline 50mg twice a day. I'm on this for a rare condition called red scrotum syndrome ( I know it sounds ridiculous). I have skin issues (psoriasis) and developed this condition by too much use of steroid creams
What are your concerns as your elevated Bili level is likely due to a not so rare condition called Gilbert syndrome.

Your "increased"BUN/Creat ratio don't mean squat since the Creat is NORMAL.

Bottom line under medical supervision your LFTS should be repeated in a couple months.
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What are your concerns?
My concerns are do I really have liver issues or is it just because of the antibiotic. I'm probably going to need more blood work to know for sure would be my guess after I'm off these meds. If I do have liver issues im going to stop casual drinking or anything else that would make my liver worse. In your opinion should I go to my GP and get it looked at again? Also my FSH is down from 4.4 to 2.2. Should I wait for that to go up before I start another cycle? Thank you for your responses.
Bc almost any medication can effect one liver function, you need to see your GP bc he may have run PRE-antibiotic liver tests, that I don't have for comparison.

Good luck
Bc almost any medication can effect one liver function, you need to see your GP bc he may have run PRE-antibiotic liver tests, that I don't have for comparison.

Good luck
Thanks for your help Doc. I'll do as you said.
Bc almost any medication can effect one liver function.
Good luck

According to the FDA tox web site only 80 reports of an isolated elevated Bili level was reported in some 12,000 Doxy users.

I've treated A LOT of patients with Doxy over the years and have never noted such a change. But then again I don't obtain baseline LFTS for such patients either.
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According to the FDA tox web site only 80 reports of an elevated Bili level was reported in some 12,000 Doxy users.
That's not very many. I'm going to wait a few months. Not drink any alcohol and get my LFTS done again by my GP. Again Doc can't thank you enough. You help keep meso safe. Really can't go asking my GP if I have any AAS questions.
I don't believe AAS are responsible bc your hepatic enzymes are NL.

But you should let your doc know your using AAS, without going into any great detail, as it may effect his management decisions.

Ultimately the ONLY way to know for sure which drug or drugs are responsible is to discontinue their use, and see what happens to your Bili level.
Although Doxy is considered "first line" therapy for Red S. S.
Gabapentin (AKA Neurontin) is also effective for many patients whom are unable to tolerate long term Doxy therapy.
Although Doxy is considered "first line" therapy for Red S. S.
Gabapentin (AKA Neurontin) is also effective for many patients whom are unable to tolerate long term Doxy therapy.
Okay I'll ask my GP if maybe we could switch to that if indeed
The doxy is causing my liver issues
The doxy is causing my liver issues

I didn't say that, but I did post,

Ultimately the ONLY way to know for sure which drug or drugs are responsible is to discontinue their use, and see what happens to your Bili level.

See your Doc as when competent Docs are unsure about how to manage, diagnose or treat a specific condition they generally consult another physician who specializes in the area of need or investigates the problem further, as I have done.

With respect to the latter as a 33 year old whom is "worried" it would behoove you to do the same, IMO!


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Bring your lab tests.

But be prepared, bc he will likely inquire WHY YOU obtained THESE lab studies.

I've already stated the best reply is the truth and he will say "oh but you shouldn't do that' bc bla, bla, and you say "yea I know" bla, bla, BUT could the Doxy bc causing my elevated Bili and he will likely say Hmm that's unusual (and it is)

And you say Hey Doc I'd rather not turn into some yellow martian, so should I stop the Doxy AND any ORAL AAS to see if my bili falls? (Parenteral AAS have only RARELY been associated with LFT changes BUT he likely won't know that and that's ok bc most Docs and AAS users are unaware of this FACTOID)

Then hand him a copy of the article I just posted and say "you may have seen this before but I thought this was interesting" and let him be the DOCTOR!

That's how to become involved in YOUR CARE

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Bring your lab tests.

But be prepared, bc he will like inquire WHY did YOU obtain THESE lab studies.

I've already stated the best reply is the truth and he will say "oh but you shouldn't do that bc bla, bla, and you say "yea I know" bla, bla, but could the Doxy bc causing my elevated Bili and he will likely say Hmm that's unusual (and it is)

And you say Hey Doc I'd rather not turn into some yellow martian, so should I stop the Doxy AND any ORAL AAS to see if my bili falls? (Parenteral AAS have only RARELY been associated with LFT changes BUT he likely won't know that and that's ok bc most Docs and AAS users are unaware of this FACTOID)

Then hand him a copy of the article I just posted and say "I thought this was interesting" and let him be the DOCTOR!

That's how to become involved in YOUR CARE

I'll tell him everything. And I will definitely keep you posted.