Blood work interpretation

I didn't say that, but I did post,

See your Doc as when competent Docs are unsure about how to manage, diagnose or treat a specific condition they generally consult another physician who specializes in the area of need or investigates the problem further, as I have done.

With respect to the latter as a 33 year old whom is "worried" it would behoove you to do the same, IMO!
I don't know where you got that study on RSS. But it was very informative. I've been looking online and never found anything so in depth. Thank you for that.
It's called Google fella and believe it or not I simply Googled
"Red Scrotum Syndrome", it was the first NIH selection. The latter are by definition, "evidence based" citations.

Never seen a case of RSS, yet may have heard of it remotely, so I was curious about the etiology, diagnostic criteria, differential DX, bla, bla.
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