Blood work results.


Went from 160mg/wk 1061 Total T on pharmacy test. Switched to Stan’s 300mg/wk + 200mg Stans primo. Total T dropped to 974

Free T went from 158 to 428

Estradiol dropped from 55-20
Still feeling pretty good. I understand the estradiol going down because of the primo. I think the free should have went up too. I don’t understand why the total T is so low at double the regular dose.

Does this seem right ?


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We just had this convo the other day, some guys including myself noticed the same thing (with other brands) when combining test with primo. Free test shoots high from SHBG reduction, but i don't understand why total test drops.

Although i must admit in your case it seems excessive. I had 1450 TT with 210mg test per week and 3X500 IU HCG and 1475 TT with 325 UGL test/week + 150 primo.

Do you know how SHBG looked before and after? I'm wondering if there's a correlation between SHBG and total test.
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Last year I ran my first run. I ran 300mg Test only and was over 2100TT. I guess next time I’ll probably go 500 test and 250 primo. I feel good and everything else looks great. Bloods are good. Just seems odd, I guess this is why blood work is so important. Every one is different.
No you’re not.
This is the third or forth person to post a low t in the past month compared to dose.

I just switched from Stans to another supplier was running 500mg came in at 3000 and that’s with using pharma 200mg here and there cause I thought something was up. I’m at 2000 on 200mg and 4000+ on 500mg peak levels
Just go back two pages in his thread and there is a complaint
Got bloods again today. Pinned on the Thursday before. Got bloods on Monday at noon

Stand test C 200 500 mg a week.

I pin Mondays and Thursdays. Did not pin before this bloood draw.
Went from 160mg/wk 1061 Total T on pharmacy test. Switched to Stan’s 300mg/wk + 200mg Stans primo. Total T dropped to 974

Free T went from 158 to 428

Estradiol dropped from 55-20
Still feeling pretty good. I understand the estradiol going down because of the primo. I think the free should have went up too. I don’t understand why the total T is so low at double the regular dose.

Does this seem right ?
Was this Stan's Test C 200 mg GSO or Test C 250 mg MCT?
I’m assuming you think something’s off on the mct as you asked on the other thread?
Not sure, it just has not been testing by anyone yet.

I am waiting for my bloods to come back and also sent some to jano, waiting for that to come back too. I feel great though, but I do not like going by feeling