Primobolan - underrated for muscle gain?

Interesting. I heard the libido issues with EQ are from it raising E1? I take plenty of AI though and the low libido persists with EQ...
Go test your E2, E1 in men body does nothing....

If EQ works for you, it lower E2 more than Primo.

On 1500 Test 1000 Primo had 160pg/ml E2 (no libido issues)
On 1500 Test 1200 EQ had 28pg/ml E2 (not perfect libido)
Go test your E2, E1 in men body does nothing....

If EQ works for you, it lower E2 more than Primo.

On 1500 Test 1000 Primo had 160pg/ml E2 (no libido issues)
On 1500 Test 1200 EQ had 28pg/ml E2 (not perfect libido)

Great to know that! I had the impression that if one compound suppresses your e2 then the other one would behave the same. Primo lowers mine a lot and now i'm about to start EQ. I just don't have the ability to run a high sensitivity e2 test for EQ and most probably i'll have to go by feels..
If you have libido issues with boldenone you may have them with primo too (I know I do). 200mg mast takes care of that with primo as well for me though
Have you found that if you increase the dose of primo that you also have to increase the mast? Or is 200 mast sufficient at any dosage of primo?
Tried it but was limited to 700mg a week(100mg per day was the max dose I could tolerate the PIP).
I think it was shit for building muscle, same as masteron. Trying EQ now, but might I think I’m camp “test is best” just run test as high as possible and dose AI and nolva as needed
Go test your E2, E1 in men body does nothing....

If EQ works for you, it lower E2 more than Primo.

On 1500 Test 1000 Primo had 160pg/ml E2 (no libido issues)
On 1500 Test 1200 EQ had 28pg/ml E2 (not perfect libido)
Oh wow. I'm going next week to get tested but I already paid for the regular test and not the ultra sensitive one
Have you found that if you increase the dose of primo that you also have to increase the mast? Or is 200 mast sufficient at any dosage of primo?
I haven’t toyed around with that actually. This is the first time i’ve ran mast with my primo and it’s making a huge difference. 800ish test, 400 primo, 200 mast