Guy Fawkes
New Member
43 yo male
5'11" 195 12% BF
TRT 200mg test cyp/wk
Aromasin 12.5mg/daily
I'm on the tail end of a cruise and (was) about to start a blast, and I admittedly need to drink more water. My GF is always telling me that and I think bloods today confirmed. Almost all of the abnormal readings - from what I can tell - could potentially be chalked up to me simply needing to drink more damn water. If anyone could offer an opinion in support of or contradicting my take, I'd really appreciate it. I'm happy to get any advice at all, as I'm still relatively new to AAS. This will be my 2nd cycle coming up, after having been on TRT since last summer.
That said, I'm not going to start any sort of blast until I feel better about what's going on here with my bloods. I plan on fixing my water intake and taking another test in a month or so.
BTW, the high LDL is actually an improvement. I did 8 weeks of Winny ~ 3 months ago and my numbers were totally jacked.
Thanks in advance.
43 yo male
5'11" 195 12% BF
TRT 200mg test cyp/wk
Aromasin 12.5mg/daily
I'm on the tail end of a cruise and (was) about to start a blast, and I admittedly need to drink more water. My GF is always telling me that and I think bloods today confirmed. Almost all of the abnormal readings - from what I can tell - could potentially be chalked up to me simply needing to drink more damn water. If anyone could offer an opinion in support of or contradicting my take, I'd really appreciate it. I'm happy to get any advice at all, as I'm still relatively new to AAS. This will be my 2nd cycle coming up, after having been on TRT since last summer.

That said, I'm not going to start any sort of blast until I feel better about what's going on here with my bloods. I plan on fixing my water intake and taking another test in a month or so.
BTW, the high LDL is actually an improvement. I did 8 weeks of Winny ~ 3 months ago and my numbers were totally jacked.
Thanks in advance.