Bloods Review - Gyno Suggestions? First Cycle


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Hey Bros - Started my first exploration into androgens about a month ago. Wanted to start on a close to TRT dose of Test E to see how my body would react, especially regarding aromatizing. Once dialed in I plan to low blast Test E @ 300/week for 12 weeks. 8-12 week 30mg/daily Var. Pretty standard modern newbie cycle.

Put on a quick 10lbs while in a calorie surplus to get back to a previous highest weight. Strength gains have surpassed all previous PRs. Overall, feeling pretty good for the below dose while I get acclimated.

Started a test e 160/week (EOD inj) 1 month ago

Week 4 started to feel high E2 sides (spicy nips), fatigue, poor sleep quality.

Baseline (ng/ml):

Total Test = 616
Free Test = 19.1
Prolactin = 4.3
E2 = 8.4

Week 4 Results (Ng/ml):

Total Test = 1084
Free Test = 38.2
Prolactin = 21.9
E2 = 49.1

From the recent results I gather I should start a 10mg E3D aromasin to combat the E2 and Prolactin. Maybe slightly decrease Test E for TRT levels - wait to get Prolactin and E2 balanced. Then continue to planned low blast of Test E at 300mg/week EOD for 12 weeks.

Gyno has me very concerned at current blood results. Seems like I am a high aromatiser. Thoughts?

Age 26 - Starting Weight 165lbs - Gym experience 10+ years (but never strung more than 1 year solid diet together)

Best historical physique was at 175lb / 10% bodyfat
Goal = size and stay <20% bf; expecting to end blast @ 185 ~ 15% bf
Man you're kind of young you don't even need trt. If you're dead set on doing it I would just plan a blast like 500 test. I mean I was already on two hundred a week trt by the time I tried my first blast... I tried 400 test. On me 400 didn't even do that much but the next go-around I tried 500 and it was a big difference. It's crazy that just that extra 100 mg a week really made me grow more. I know both time's the test was legit because I had labs done. I just took 250 test every three and a half days and on injection Days 1 mg of Arimidex.
Man you're kind of young you don't even need trt. If you're dead set on doing it I would just plan a blast like 500 test. I mean I was already on two hundred a week trt by the time I tried my first blast... I tried 400 test. On me 400 didn't even do that much but the next go-around I tried 500 and it was a big difference. It's crazy that just that extra 100 mg a week really made me grow more. I know both time's the test was legit because I had labs done. I just took 250 test every three and a half days and on injection Days 1 mg of Arimidex.
Deezznutzz, I'd recognize those tits anywhere. See you on Stanford threads a lot too. Respect the engagement, and perspective here. Definitely has me thinking.

I definitely don't plan to trt. I'll PCT within 6 months for sure. I just wanted to start with a low dose before stepping into a relative blast to see how my body reacted. Figured that any sides that I'd have a tendency to show would surface, but be more manageable to fix. That way I can plan mitigation compounds (AIs, Mast, etc) for when I blast. Like now I know I aromatize highly, so don't think I'll be able to handle a 500 Test blast without significant AI or Mast/Primo.

Took my first 10mg of Aromasin today. Going to see how that feels over the next couple days then either blast 300-500 Test and feel out the AI, or cruise a 200 Test and throw on 30 Var then PCT and regroup.
Deezznutzz, I'd recognize those tits anywhere. See you on Stanford threads a lot too. Respect the engagement, and perspective here. Definitely has me thinking.

I definitely don't plan to trt. I'll PCT within 6 months for sure. I just wanted to start with a low dose before stepping into a relative blast to see how my body reacted. Figured that any sides that I'd have a tendency to show would surface, but be more manageable to fix. That way I can plan mitigation compounds (AIs, Mast, etc) for when I blast. Like now I know I aromatize highly, so don't think I'll be able to handle a 500 Test blast without significant AI or Mast/Primo.

Took my first 10mg of Aromasin today. Going to see how that feels over the next couple days then either blast 300-500 Test and feel out the AI, or cruise a 200 Test and throw on 30 Var then PCT and regroup.
Dose the AI as you plan and adjust if you increase dose, monitoring for symptoms. You could always get estrogen only bloods to know exactly where your numbers are mid cycle. If gyno really flares, nolva should keep it from coming permanently. Just make the most of a true cycle, asin is more forgiving and not as harsh as adex so if you want to blast now, run a higher AI dose as you increase. But estrogen bloodwork is always best to assess exactly where you are at a given test dose.
I aromatize a lot too 38 natural.

On 200 a week trt and .5mg arimidex twice a week it puts me at 35.

So on 400 test I took 1mg arimidex twice a week it also put me at 35.

So this last go at 500 test and 300 primo with no ai since I could feel the primo was working as my ai. Also threw in 50mg anavar.

Smart using aromasin. I get the arimidex free from the trt Dr. or i'd switch Haha
Dose the AI as you plan and adjust if you increase dose, monitoring for symptoms. You could always get estrogen only bloods to know exactly where your numbers are mid cycle. If gyno really flares, nolva should keep it from coming permanently. Just make the most of a true cycle, asin is more forgiving and not as harsh as adex so if you want to blast now, run a higher AI dose as you increase. But estrogen bloodwork is always best to assess exactly where you are at a given test dose.
Yeah also get the ultra sensitive e2 test if they offer it but it takes labs a week longer to get sensitive results back.
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Yeah also get the ultra sensitive e2 test if they offer it but it takes labs a week longer to get sensitive results back.
Dose the AI as you plan and adjust if you increase dose, monitoring for symptoms. You could always get estrogen only bloods to know exactly where your numbers are mid cycle. If gyno really flares, nolva should keep it from coming permanently. Just make the most of a true cycle, asin is more forgiving and not as harsh as adex so if you want to blast now, run a higher AI dose as you increase. But estrogen bloodwork is always best to assess exactly where you are at a given test dose.
That's what I appreciates about yous. Thanks again.

Yeah I contemplated taking the ultra sensitive E2 as baseline, but didn't like the extra bucks. Should've probably done that. At this point I'm more concerned about the sides than actual E2 levels. If I felt good on 60 E2 and 2000+ TT I wouldn't be concerned. I know the ratio can be important. I just cant live with the gyno sides. My acne can get bad too, but I've got that fairly in check with topicals. I'll start doing more frequent, but less complex, bloods to keep an eye on E2 and prolactin.

I've got nolva on hand too. I'll research some more on nolva during cycle, as most of my knowledge of SERMs is PCT oriented, but how would you recommend dosing mid-cycle? About 20mg ED if gyno flares up. Come off when it subsides. Keep AI going. Something about there?
Full panel if you're interested:
"Previous results" are before any AAS, but still intense workouts.

Early morning draw. Think I was just dehydrated (high hema).

Family history of high cholesterol. My bloods since 12 have always had my total cholesterol around 200-230.


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That's what I appreciates about yous. Thanks again.

Yeah I contemplated taking the ultra sensitive E2 as baseline, but didn't like the extra bucks. Should've probably done that. At this point concerned about the sides than actual E2levels. If I felt good on 60 E2 and 2000+ TT I wouldn't be concerned. I know the ratio can be important. I just cant live with the gyno sides. My acne can get bad too, but I've got that fairly in check with topicals. I'll start doing more frequent, but less complex, bloods to keep an eye on E2 and prolactin.

I've got nolva on hand too. I'll research some more on nolva during cycle, as most of my knowledge of SERMs is PCT oriented, but how would you recommend dosing mid-cycle? About 20mg ED if gyno flares up. Come off when it subsides. Keep AI going. Something about there?
No need for sensitive, pretty sure I read that's mainly needed when running tren or possibly other 19 nors. Most guys get basic estrogen test. Maybe Type-II can correct me if wrong.

If gyno really flares, 20mg nolva till gyno sides go away and keep AI going the whole time. As long as estrogen is under control, you shouldn't have a problem, hopefully!
No need for sensitive, pretty sure I read that's mainly needed when running tren or possibly other 19 nors. Most guys get basic estrogen test. Maybe Type-II can correct me if wrong.

If gyno really flares, 20mg nolva till gyno sides go away and keep AI going the whole time. As long as estrogen is under control, you shouldn't have a problem, hopefully!
Thanks! I was confused on whether nolva w/ AI would be an issue - potentially crashing E2. I believe nolva doesn't lower E2, just blocks it in breast tissue. Your comment helped me confirm that.

I don't have any caber on hand, so hoping the current AI and potential Nolva will do the trick. Nips are less spicy today, but still have a very small lump under left nip. Tbh not sure if it's always been there or not. I had taken Fin for the past couple years. Just topical fin now-a-days. I dont have any visible gyno. Nothing like the pics you see online.

Appreciate the tips bro!
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