Bloodwork 3 weeks into PCT


New Member
I decided to get bloodwork 3 weeks into my PCT. I was originally going to wait till about a month after finishing PCT to get bloods, just to check that I made a full recovery. Well, I've been feeling like crap, with low libido, brain fog, low motivation, lethargy, headache, insomnia and high BP. I went and got bloodwork to check what the problem might be, and my estradiol was 60.5 with a reference range of 7.6-42.6. Does this explain my symptoms? I stopped taking clomid a couple days ago because I thought it might be contributing to these symptoms.

T, LH, and FSH are good, so my PCT appears to at least not be bunk (ordered from ADC).
Clomid 125/50/25
Nolva 40/40/20
HCG 250IU twice weekly during cycle and up to start of PCT

I decided to start exemestane at 25mg daily to bring E2 down, and hopefully achieve an improvement in symptoms.


Did you have pre/mid cycle bloods done to compare?

Hard to say if the flagged E2 is responsible. 60pg/mL is not outrageous. But if youre sensitive to E2 then perhaps it could explain your symptoms. It could also be the clomiphene, again depending on your previous experience with it.

Do you have any previous experience with lab work to reflect on?
Yes, I had pre and mid cycle bloodwork.

Precycle, my E2 was 31.7. Mid-cycle, my E2 got up to 77.6 for a short period of time, but I didn't have any of these symptoms. So can elevated T levels (as in the case of an AAS cycle) mask or otherwise ameliorate the symptoms of the elevated E2? And then the elevated E2 symptoms only appear when T levels drop post AAS cycle?

It might be placebo, but I swear I already think I feel better from the exemestane I took earlier today (50mg). Maybe it's also partly due to this being the 3rd day with no clomid and it's starting to get out of my system.

I just hope I can figure out exactly what was causing these symptoms, because I absolutely want to avoid it in the future. It was troubling how much my quality of life took a dive.

This is my first PCT from my first cycle, so while having no personal past experience to reflect upon, I at least have the bloodwork.
Based on the above info i think your problem was the clomid.

Make notes of all this (your cycle, values, doses, how you feel.. ect) so you can refer back to it at a later date or during another cycle. You wouldn't believe how important this data is and how much it will help you determine the next course of action should something like this occur again. Trust me on this.
Thanks, I'll do that.
Next time I'll use smaller doses of clomid, like 50/25/12.5/12.5, but stop taking it immediately if/when these dreadful symptoms start to surface. I think I'll also start adding 12.5mg exemestane EOD at week 2 of PCT to keep my E2 within normal range. How do these adjustments sound?
Oh for christ sakes i completely missed the amount of clomid youre taking. YES, i firmly believe the issue is the clomid. I highly recommend you keep those values under 75mg and reduce to 50 then 25.

If youre going to include aromasin in your PCT run it ED to avoid fluctuations. I dont recommend you use it during recovery (PCT) though.

Did you use an AI on this cycle? If so what/dose?
Yes, I was using exemestane at 12.5mg ED throughout most of the cycle. The first half of the cycle I used RC exemestane of questionable potency/efficacy, then I switched to some from ADC (Xstane). I didn't take it post cycle or during PCT so far, except the 50mg I took yesterday (since my E2 was high).

I know an AI during PCT is not typically recommended, but shouldn't I do something to bring my E2 back into normal range? 12.5mg ED of exemestane for the next week or two?
Yes, you can run Aromasin 12.5mg ED for the next week but then discontinue. Ideally your SERM's will restart your HPTA and natural production of testosterone should begin and hormones stabilize.

I also recommend you have bloods taken again 4wks post PCT to ensure your E2 and other hormones are in range.
Yes, you can run Aromasin 12.5mg ED for the next week but then discontinue. Ideally your SERM's will restart your HPTA and natural production of testosterone should begin and hormones stabilize.

I also recommend you have bloods taken again 4wks post PCT to ensure your E2 and other hormones are in range.
Thanks for all of the advice, it's what I will do.