Bloodwork - Hikma Test Enanthate


New Member
Doctor Prescription (Regional/Nationwide HRT Clinic), Local Compounding Pharmacy

Dosing Schedule (TRT): 120mg every 5 days
Injection Location: Quads
Test Timing: 25 hours post pin during week 5 (my research shows peak @ 24 hours vs 48 hour peak for cyp - please correct me if I'm wrong)
Test Provider: Quest Diagnostics - cheapest route to bioavailable test number vs Labcorp)
Ancillary Use: 750 i.u. HCG lozenge 2x per week

Total T = 1123
Bioavailable T = 850
Estradiol = 62

Indicated Changes to protocol:
Added A-dex 0.5mg 2x per week
Added 1 additional HCG lozenge per week due to testicular atrophy (subjective, until I buy some calipers . . . kidding, maybe)

1) Doc wants me to drop to 0.5 as a result of high bioavailable number - trying to convince him that I should test nadir levels and use Dr. Scally's indicia of 500-800 total test. Any further ammunition would be greatly appreciated.

2) I may sign up for blood testing @ 24, 48, 72, 96 hours after a shot in late march to see how my numbers move over the course of any given week. I will also be checking up on my HDL/LDL the next go around to compare vs baseline.

I hope this helps someone.
great info, thanks for posting. Can you name the chain of low t clinic, and what you pay for it?
"bodylogicmd" - the initial visit was about $500 plus another $500 worth of labs (you can source on your own to save some cash), thereafter visits are quarterly at $250, excluding labs ($200 or so each visit) and the cost of scripts, which you can get filled wherever you want (e.g. CVS still carries Watson while local compounders have "generic" Hikma instead). I don't know if there are cheaper options out there, would be interested if there are.

Local cash prices are about $85-100 per 5mL vial of Test E. In my state, Test C seems to be limited to ampules and cost about 20% more.

Thus far, no dice with insurance covering, but I may submit again next time (I didn't want to wait the first couple times due to poor scheduling on my part).