Bold Cyp


Has anyone used Boldenone Cypionate? I'm curious about anecdotal experiences. I like EQ, just never have been a fan of the super long ester. I've always wanted a shorter ester version and I finally have my hands on lab tested bold cyp
Has anyone used Boldenone Cypionate? I'm curious about anecdotal experiences. I like EQ, just never have been a fan of the super long ester. I've always wanted a shorter ester version and I finally have my hands on lab tested bold cyp
I would honestly just grab some dhb if you’re pinning bold cyp
My experience with Bolde Cyp:

400mg Bolde Cyp is like 600mg Bolde U

Bolde Cyp feels a little bit more "aggressiv" for me.

I like it.
My experience with Bolde Cyp:

400mg Bolde Cyp is like 600mg Bolde U

Bolde Cyp feels a little bit more "aggressiv" for me.

I like it.
Fuck yeah thank you, that's kinda wild I'm actually planning on running 400 and I've ran 600 in the past I wonder if I will have more control on the sides this way as well
This sides are also less with Cyp ester:
Anxiety, blood pressure and heart rate.

But it depends on the dose.

1g of Bolde Cyp will also bring a lot of sides.

But 400mg is a good dose with less sides.
This sides are also less with Cyp ester:
Anxiety, blood pressure and heart rate.

But it depends on the dose.

1g of Bolde Cyp will also bring a lot of sides.

But 400mg is a good dose with less sides.
That was my problem when I pushed to 800 with Undecylenate. My anxiety and irritability were through the roof. Really looking forward to running this.
So I just received the Bold cyp and this shit is completely crashed. I think I'm just going to pickup some DHB instead. What's a good dose to replace 400mg bold cyp.... 200/wk or 150?
So I just received the Bold cyp and this shit is completely crashed. I think I'm just going to pickup some DHB instead. What's a good dose to replace 400mg bold cyp.... 200/wk or 150?
Run 400 mg-500 mg dhb it is ridiculous at these doses. I ran at 700 and grew a ton!
My experience with Bolde Cyp:

400mg Bolde Cyp is like 600mg Bolde U

Bolde Cyp feels a little bit more "aggressiv" for me.

I like it.
No shit eh? I'm currently 9 weeks into 700 Test E/500 Bold Cyp/350 NPP and feel amazing, the pip is a bit nippy but I just pin twice per week delts only to navigate around it.

I'm dropping NPP after this week (as I had only programmed it for 10 weeks) and was initially planning to bump Test up to 900 and Bold up to 700 for the remainder of my blast, but after coming by this I might just say fuck it and keep it as is.
So I just received the Bold cyp and this shit is completely crashed. I think I'm just going to pickup some DHB instead. What's a good dose to replace 400mg bold cyp.... 200/wk or 150?
300mg/ week is a good start. At least for you to "feel it out" for the first time. I have settled at 400/week, having gone to 600... but pretty much the same results for me at 400, so i guess i found my sweet spot.
I've done 4 cycles of dhb, it has replaced primo for me.... and that's a biggie, cause i loves my primo....
How do you like the bold cyp?
Idk who you’re asking this to, but it’s absolutely mint. Full af and the dry gains it brings are absolutely freaky. Only downside is that it pins like a cunt, but it’s tolerable.

Upping the dose from 500 to 700 for the remainder of my blast as I pull NPP this week.
Idk who you’re asking this to, but it’s absolutely mint. Full af and the dry gains it brings are absolutely freaky. Only downside is that it pins like a cunt, but it’s tolerable.

Upping the dose from 500 to 700 for the remainder of my blast as I pull NPP this week.
Was meant to you. I guess I didn’t hit reply lmao.

I’ve ran EQ and liked it, just hate the long ass ester attached. I grabbed a few vials of Cyp was thinking about 500/500