Bold Cyp

Was meant to you. I guess I didn’t hit reply lmao.

I’ve ran EQ and liked it, just hate the long ass ester attached. I grabbed a few vials of Cyp was thinking about 500/500
No doubt that’s the reason I went Bold Cyp, hasn’t had any effects on me in regards to a pseudo ai as some guys claim either. Still running aromasin e3d.
No doubt that’s the reason I went Bold Cyp, hasn’t had any effects on me in regards to a pseudo ai as some guys claim either. Still running aromasin e3d.
EQ worked as an ai for me so I’ll pull labs in a month or so and see where I’m at with bold cyp.

Dropping primo completely was super underwhelmed with it, gonna replace it with this.
So I just received the Bold cyp and this shit is completely crashed. I think I'm just going to pickup some DHB instead. What's a good dose to replace 400mg bold cyp.... 200/wk or 150?
Did you end up using the bold? Or go the DHB route?
300mg/ week is a good start. At least for you to "feel it out" for the first time. I have settled at 400/week, having gone to 600... but pretty much the same results for me at 400, so i guess i found my sweet spot.
I've done 4 cycles of dhb, it has replaced primo for me.... and that's a biggie, cause i loves my primo....
Hey sorry this isn't related to the thread. I saw on qsc it took one month from china to your door in Canada. Did your order get stuck on plane has landed?
So I just received the Bold cyp and this shit is completely crashed. I think I'm just going to pickup some DHB instead. What's a good dose to replace 400mg bold cyp.... 200/wk or 150?
DHB will crash just as easily. You can reconstitue either in a pot of water on the stove.
What’s the difference between bold cyp and dhb? I keep seeing these things lump together as if they’re one in the same almost and then other things that seem otherwise.
I made it at 80 mg/mL at pinned ED at 1 mL was 560 mg a week. Using MCT oil

I did a normal 2/20
I made DHB in two ways:

100mg/ml, 1%BA 20%BB in MCT and it didn't hold

100mg/ml, 1%BA 20%BB in RICIN/CASTOR oil and it's holding like a champ

Made also a mix of BOLD CYP + BOLD UND 200+200mg/ml same recipe in MCT and it's holding perfectly too, it seems that Bold Und works as "solvent" for the CYP. (got this idea from a post of @Jet Labs )

What’s the difference between bold cyp and dhb? I keep seeing these things lump together as if they’re one in the same almost and then other things that seem otherwise.
They are two completely different AAS, DHB is much stronger than Boldenone.
Boldenone cyp is really easy to make, if you make it at 200mg/ml. Always had issues with DHB... when doesn't hold, once you inject it, it's PIP guaranteed.