Boldenone acetate recipe MCT

I know this has been discussed before but couldn’t find a good answer. Has anyone made boldenone acetate 100 mg/ml with mct that didnt crash? I tried with 2% ba and 20 %bb and mct and crashed.
When i tried it, it wasn’t bad especially being that i mixed it with test cyp. I don’t know why anyone would not use other compounds with it. Usually boldenone is run in combo anyways
Bold a at 100mg/ml
Forget it unless you love to surfer
The only thing i can get it with was with caster oil at 50mg/ml
And the pip was not that bad
Did you get any substantial gains from that dosage?
According to dosing info, 50 mg isn’t enough of a dose. But i have also seen some ridiculous recommendations on other stuff too
Did you get any substantial gains from that dosage?
According to dosing info, 50 mg isn’t enough of a dose. But i have also seen some ridiculous recommendations on other stuff too
No but vascularity was something else
Even cardio better
But even at 50mg/ml it wasn’t pip free so i stop after a while
Its fun but injecting everyday somethiing like that isn’t good long term
Boldenone acetate at 100 mg/ml in MCT is tricky—it almost always crashes. Lowering the concentration to 50 mg/ml with castor oil seems more stable, but PIP is still a problem. Daily injections? Not worth the hassle long term.
Boldenone acetate at 100 mg/ml in MCT is tricky—it almost always crashes. Lowering the concentration to 50 mg/ml with castor oil seems more stable, but PIP is still a problem. Daily injections? Not worth the hassle long term.
It doesn’t crash but very painful
How high did you get the concentration on bold cyp without pip?

The anecdotes I've heard are that 150-200mg/ml maximum in 20bb/2ba and MCT
I have made a super smooth 200 mg/mL bold cyp with 20/1 in mct but I replaced 20% of the oil with EO. I was doing daily injections at 350 a week so the amount daily amount of eo was small. I had zero pip from that.
I have made a super smooth 200 mg/mL bold cyp with 20/1 in mct but I replaced 20% of the oil with EO. I was doing daily injections at 350 a week so the amount daily amount of eo was small. I had zero pip from that.
So. Bold ace is a no go for most? Damn. What do i do with these raws lol
You don't see me back down from winstrol or test prop injections, it's fine. But bold ace is a different story bro...

It makes me very sick, I feel so sick like going to the hospital rn if you know what I mean. That shit even raises my temperature to flu like levels. It is no joke. No point in injecting something that makes you feel like dead man. Just skip it, my honest advice.