The question is should I run boldenone, nandrolone, or neither? But below is the good stuff needed to help answer that.-
So I'm going to be starting up my next blast in a couple weeks when I return to lifting after a total of 3.5 weeks (by that time) out of the gym due to gyno surgery. I'm on TRT so no concern for coming off. Little history of me- My training is currently PPL and with my schedule, I end up hitting each workout twice every eight days. I train to failure within (generally) the 10-20 rep range with anywhere from 6-10 working sets per muscle group. I do low-medium intensity cardio 7 days per week consisting of stationary bike, treadmill, stepclimber or outdoor walking. For diet, I need approximately 3000-3200 calories to maintain my weight. Btw, stats are 5'11" 188-190lbs at maybe 11-12% bodyfat (I have visible abs relaxed and have several veins running through them. Also have clear separation of my quads and solid vascularity running through my entire legs). I have been training for almost exactly 19 years. My training in the first few years was idiotic relative to what I know now. I then spent several years (large majority of my 20s) training for running, endurance, and calisthenics. I trained full body 3x/week just to maintain strength during this period. Goal shifted about 2.5-3 years ago and now I am looking to pack on size but prefer to stay lean. I do not plan on competing and simply want to look good. I have no desire to pack on size at any cost if it means getting fatter than I am willing to accept for myself which is about 14-15% max.
Diet consists of protein coming from egg whites, chicken, yogurt, small amount of beef, and typically 1 protein shake a day. I get 180-200g protein per day. Fats I keep low as possible (I don't generally consume high fat foods or direct sources of fat). Carbs fill in the rest of my caloric intake based on current goal. Carbs come from fruit (bananas primarily), sweet potatoes, rice, and some cereal on occasion (generally only when calories are at their highest will I allow some low to no fat cereal postworkout).
My cycle experience is limited. I was on TRT for about 6 months at age 21 due to low test. At that time, it was the era of prohormones so I ran 30mg of Epistane for 4 weeks on top of my TRT. My gyno was aggravated by the test and my doc refused to let me inject myself at home so I came off completely after that and just suffered with low test for over a decade. I then got back on TRT through a clinic approximately 1.5 years ago. I was prescribed 200mg/week test cyp. I knew this was too much for me as I was previously on only 75mg/week and that put me at the high end of normal when I was younger. So I started at 91mg (26mg/EOD). That put me at about 900-1000ng/dL. After a year, I upped the test to 140mg and threw in a low dose of Epistane (15mg) for 8 weeks. A few months later, I bumped my test up to 200mg and eventually 250mg and added 25-40mg of anavar for 10 weeks while cutting. By the end of that little blast, I had about a month before my gyno surgery. I introduced gh @ 2-3iu and bumped test up to 300mg (I feel better slowly increasing to assess tolerance). Had my gyno surgery and removed the entire gland on both sides.
So my plan is to start the blast off at 350mg test cyp and bump that up to 420mg at some point. Blast can be 22 weeks max before I'd like to give myself 8-10 weeks cruise time before another blast for the summer. I'm still fairly experimental with my PED use as in assessing what each compound does to me. So I will be using 25mg anavar for the first 6 weeks. I would like to try turinabol for the first time so I plan on throwing that in on the back end for 6 weeks as well. I would also like to try nandrolone (I have deca and NPP) or boldenone (I have bold cyp and EQ). However, I do not want to run both nandrolone and boldenone concurrently and not know what either one is doing. My goal is to pack on 10-15lbs as lean as I possibly can. I will also be running 3iu gh throughout the entire thing. What are your thoughts on the cycle plan and what compounds mentioned should I use or cut out? This will be my 4th blast (if you even count the epistane w/ trt from over a decade ago lol)
So I'm going to be starting up my next blast in a couple weeks when I return to lifting after a total of 3.5 weeks (by that time) out of the gym due to gyno surgery. I'm on TRT so no concern for coming off. Little history of me- My training is currently PPL and with my schedule, I end up hitting each workout twice every eight days. I train to failure within (generally) the 10-20 rep range with anywhere from 6-10 working sets per muscle group. I do low-medium intensity cardio 7 days per week consisting of stationary bike, treadmill, stepclimber or outdoor walking. For diet, I need approximately 3000-3200 calories to maintain my weight. Btw, stats are 5'11" 188-190lbs at maybe 11-12% bodyfat (I have visible abs relaxed and have several veins running through them. Also have clear separation of my quads and solid vascularity running through my entire legs). I have been training for almost exactly 19 years. My training in the first few years was idiotic relative to what I know now. I then spent several years (large majority of my 20s) training for running, endurance, and calisthenics. I trained full body 3x/week just to maintain strength during this period. Goal shifted about 2.5-3 years ago and now I am looking to pack on size but prefer to stay lean. I do not plan on competing and simply want to look good. I have no desire to pack on size at any cost if it means getting fatter than I am willing to accept for myself which is about 14-15% max.
Diet consists of protein coming from egg whites, chicken, yogurt, small amount of beef, and typically 1 protein shake a day. I get 180-200g protein per day. Fats I keep low as possible (I don't generally consume high fat foods or direct sources of fat). Carbs fill in the rest of my caloric intake based on current goal. Carbs come from fruit (bananas primarily), sweet potatoes, rice, and some cereal on occasion (generally only when calories are at their highest will I allow some low to no fat cereal postworkout).
My cycle experience is limited. I was on TRT for about 6 months at age 21 due to low test. At that time, it was the era of prohormones so I ran 30mg of Epistane for 4 weeks on top of my TRT. My gyno was aggravated by the test and my doc refused to let me inject myself at home so I came off completely after that and just suffered with low test for over a decade. I then got back on TRT through a clinic approximately 1.5 years ago. I was prescribed 200mg/week test cyp. I knew this was too much for me as I was previously on only 75mg/week and that put me at the high end of normal when I was younger. So I started at 91mg (26mg/EOD). That put me at about 900-1000ng/dL. After a year, I upped the test to 140mg and threw in a low dose of Epistane (15mg) for 8 weeks. A few months later, I bumped my test up to 200mg and eventually 250mg and added 25-40mg of anavar for 10 weeks while cutting. By the end of that little blast, I had about a month before my gyno surgery. I introduced gh @ 2-3iu and bumped test up to 300mg (I feel better slowly increasing to assess tolerance). Had my gyno surgery and removed the entire gland on both sides.
So my plan is to start the blast off at 350mg test cyp and bump that up to 420mg at some point. Blast can be 22 weeks max before I'd like to give myself 8-10 weeks cruise time before another blast for the summer. I'm still fairly experimental with my PED use as in assessing what each compound does to me. So I will be using 25mg anavar for the first 6 weeks. I would like to try turinabol for the first time so I plan on throwing that in on the back end for 6 weeks as well. I would also like to try nandrolone (I have deca and NPP) or boldenone (I have bold cyp and EQ). However, I do not want to run both nandrolone and boldenone concurrently and not know what either one is doing. My goal is to pack on 10-15lbs as lean as I possibly can. I will also be running 3iu gh throughout the entire thing. What are your thoughts on the cycle plan and what compounds mentioned should I use or cut out? This will be my 4th blast (if you even count the epistane w/ trt from over a decade ago lol)