BPC-157 and Reconstitution


My inquiry pertains to reconstituting bpc-157 with sodium Chloride .9%.

Does anyone have experience with this?

I know SC.9% is always suggested for single use but has anyone used SC in a multi dose vial?

I re-aggravated a groin injury and I'm out of bac. I'm really considering using these Sodium Chloride ampoules for my bpc 10mg.

Any and all input is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
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I'm not looking for someone to cosign my bullshit, I'm legit wondering if anyone has done this or has sources they can cite that uses sodium chloride with multi dose medicine or peptides.
I'm not looking for someone to cosign my bullshit, I'm legit wondering if anyone has done this or has sources they can cite that uses sodium chloride with multi dose medicine or peptides.