BPC-157 and Reconstitution


My inquiry pertains to reconstituting bpc-157 with sodium Chloride .9%.

Does anyone have experience with this?

I know SC.9% is always suggested for single use but has anyone used SC in a multi dose vial?

I re-aggravated a groin injury and I'm out of bac. I'm really considering using these Sodium Chloride ampoules for my bpc 10mg.

Any and all input is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
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I'm not looking for someone to cosign my bullshit, I'm legit wondering if anyone has done this or has sources they can cite that uses sodium chloride with multi dose medicine or peptides.
My inquiry pertains to reconstituting bpc-157 with sodium Chloride .9%.

Does anyone have experience with this?

I know SC.9% is always suggested for single use but has anyone used SC in a multi dose vial?

I re-aggravated a groin injury and I'm out of bac. I'm really considering using these Sodium Chloride ampoules for my bpc 10mg.

Any and all input is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

I've done it.

I'm not looking for someone to cosign my bullshit, I'm legit wondering if anyone has done this or has sources they can cite that uses sodium chloride with multi dose medicine or peptides.

Seems kind of aggressive and if you had another question I missed it.

Are you worried it's gonna go bad? How long does it take you to go through 10 mg BPC for an injury treatment protocol?
Personally I would use the combo Thymosin beta4 +BCP157 in bacteriostatic water .
Initial dosage 500mcg of both up to 1000mcg for 4 weeks, then stop for 4/5 weeks, if you feel pain again start again.
I've done it.

Seems kind of aggressive and if you had another question I missed it.

Are you worried it's gonna go bad? How long does it take you to go through 10 mg BPC for an injury treatment protocol?
I didn't mean to come across as aggressive but nah just those questions. Everywhere that I've read it says to only use sodium chloride for single use. I guess my concern was that bacteria could develop in the vial since there is no BA. A 10mg vial could last me anywhere from 10-20 days depending on my dosing. 250mcg 2xd or 500mcg 2xd or some combination of the two.
Personally I would use the combo Thymosin beta4 +BCP157 in bacteriostatic water .
Initial dosage 500mcg of both up to 1000mcg for 4 weeks, then stop for 4/5 weeks, if you feel pain again start again.
I agree with you and that protocol to me, is ideal but I had some left over bpc in the fridge and no BAC just SC.9% ampoules. This groin/hip injury has me aggravated and I was anxious to start the bpc. Thanks for your response.
I didn't mean to come across as aggressive but nah just those questions. Everywhere that I've read it says to only use sodium chloride for single use. I guess my concern was that bacteria could develop in the vial since there is no BA. A 10mg vial could last me anywhere from 10-20 days depending on my dosing. 250mcg 2xd or 500mcg 2xd or some combination of the two.
10-20 days for one vial, thats the way to get all its worth out of it lol
I thought 500mcg was like the "loading phase" then 250 for maintenance.
I won't say his name but a youtuber who is a dr said 500mcg 2xd was " that's a lot, a lot". I didn't agree with this as I always thought 500 2xd was pretty standard.
In the past I didn't notice anything on 250 2xd but I was still going to the gym and trying to baby the injury (shoulder).
This time being that it's my hip/groin I stopped everything.
I did see a doctor nothing is broken and she referred me to PT but juat having reaggravated it im not sure if i can even do that.

I have 3 vials total
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I thought 500mcg was like the "loading phase" then 250 for maintenance. I won't say his name but youtuber whos a dr said 500mcg 2xd was " that's a lot, a lot".

I have 3 vials total
As someone with a lot of Bpc experience and considering the area of injury…for 5mg vials I would do the following
500mg doses 4x per day(wake, noon, 5pm, bedtime) for 5 days and give it 100% rest. Reevaluate on day 6 and if necessary use last vial 500mg 2x per day for 5 more days.
I thought 500mcg was like the "loading phase" then 250 for maintenance.
I won't say his name but a youtuber who is a dr said 500mcg 2xd was " that's a lot, a lot". I didn't agree with this as I always thought 500 2xd was pretty standard.
In the past I didn't notice anything on 250 2xd but I was still going to the gym and trying to baby the injury (shoulder).
This time being that it's my hip/groin I stopped everything.
I did see a doctor nothing is broken and she referred me to PT but juat having reaggravated it im not sure if i can even do that.

I have 3 vials total
When I did the treatment for epicondylitis and epitrochleitis on both arms I bought 5 ampoules of TB500 and 5 ampoules of BCP 157, for my injury and pain the dosage of TB500 was 1000/1400mcg while for BPC157 the dosage was 500mcg/600mcg/max 800mcg, but I would like to emphasise that once you are cured you have to change your training method and make sure you never use these compounds again. ..
PS I don't know if I have explained myself well, because some people tend to abuse these substances and this is not good!
A recall may be appropriate because you are not fully healed, but this should not be passed on as a message: (ok now I am healed I can use heavy loads and if something happens I have the TB500 and BPC157)!