BPC 157 and TB 500 dosing


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Does anyone have a protocol per weight in pounds for BPC 157 and TB 500?
I think it's even harder to say that across the board than with dosage recommendations for steroids or HGH.

However, I would like to give a rough dosage that is used by bodybuilders to heal injuries:

200mcg - 500mcg daily.

2mg - 5mg 2x per week.

This is not a recommendation. It is only a rough guideline that I have observed in other users.
I had a shoulder surgery 3 weeks ago .
1 day after the surgery i start bpc and tb.

Currently dosing :
1000mcg (2x 500mcg bpc) per day
10mg tb500 per week (3x 3,3mg monday, wednesday, friday )

Next week i have my first control by my doctor and i will get the Infos how the healing process will went.
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Any recommendations on sources of TB-500 delivering to US?
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I'm new to this forum... Can we post links?
Any recommendations on sources of TB-500 delivering to US?
I'm new to this forum. Can we post links? I just bought both.
I'm currently dosing 2/700mcg of BPC 157 and 1/500mcg of TB500 daily for a knee replacement.. The TB500 seems to have good pain relief properties also. I haven't experienced any side effects after a 1 week.. This is my first time using either and it's been terrific so far!
40/190lb/Ex Athlete
Would it be a good idea to start? Will bpc or tb effect healing at all?
Like would the healing be not as good as if it was naturally done by the body?
There are no good studies showing what these peptides can do that i know of. Mostly just anecdotal evidence. When i have taken them in the past i noticed less discomfort , probably due to less inflammation, but once i stopped using them things were about back to where i started. I tend to think that forced healing may not be as good as natural healing, but that is just opinion.
folks report flat mood after bpc allergic reactions esp with tb, aswell as loss of stimulant effects ,similar to other antidepressants.
I had a shoulder surgery 3 weeks ago .
1 day after the surgery i start bpc and tb.

Currently dosing :
1000mcg (2x 500mcg bpc) per day
10mg tb500 per week (3x 3,3mg monday, wednesday, friday )

Next week i have my first control by my doctor and i will get the Infos how the healing process will went.
isnt this a really high dose?

So 7 mg bpc a week and 10 mg tb?
Seems like if i am pinning something ED might as well pin Both ED. Since room in syringe. Both daily
I'm currently dosing 2/700mcg of BPC 157 and 1/500mcg of TB500 daily for a knee replacement.. The TB500 seems to have good pain relief properties also. I haven't experienced any side effects after a 1 week.. This is my first time using either and it's been terrific so far!
40/190lb/Ex Athlete
There are no good studies showing what these peptides can do that i know of. Mostly just anecdotal evidence. When i have taken them in the past i noticed less discomfort , probably due to less inflammation, but once i stopped using them things were about back to where i started. I tend to think that forced healing may not be as good as natural healing, but that is just opinion.
But if then this was a chronic injury? Not like a broken bone or anything, that actually heals
I used both BPC and TB for injury recovery and they seemed to help.
Bucks comment is interesting.
I did not have the previous pain once I stopped both.
However, I was using Serostim throughout as well.
isnt this a really high dose?

So 7 mg bpc a week and 10 mg tb?
Correct, its definitly on the higher side.

A year ago i use the "normal" dosage.
BPC-157: 500mcg and TB500: 5mg
Didnt recognice a lot.

Now i had a surgery 5 weeks ago (dorsale Labrumläsion left side).
Thats the reason i go to the higher side of the dosage.
I would like go back to the gym as fast as possible.

3 Weeks after the surgery i had a control by the doctor, how the healing process went.
He said, that everything outside was healed .
Inside everything was scarred and also very well healed.

In this whole 5 weeks i had never any shoulder pain .

This week i have started with my physical therapiest .
He said the ROM of my shoulder ist near to the normal , little things need to inprove and than i can start with weights in the gym.
My physiotherapist estimates, I can start with weights in the gym in 6 weeks.

I am happy how the healing process went.

My protokoll is like i said:
8 Weeks:
1000mcg (2x 500mcg bpc) per day
10mg tb500 per week (3x 3,3mg monday, wednesday, friday )
8-12 Weeks:
500 mcg (2x 250mcg bpc) per day
5mg tb500 per week (2x 2,5mg)
I think the peptides definitly help in an way.
But no one should think , that he can take this peptides and can do the same stuff in the gym again and again .

As buck said , you need to stop the exercise that cause your chronic injury .

Its everything together for perfect healing :
*)Stop painful exercises .
*)Take the peptides.
*)Start with a physicle therapiest when needed
*)no calorie defecit